Work for it (Part 3)

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All Might comes through the big doorway, yelling. A small smile crosses your face as you look at the No. 1 hero. You'd met him a few times since living with Aizawa but he wasn't a big fan of All Mights.

"HAHA TODAY YOUNG HEROES WE'RE DOING COMBAT TRAINING, SO GET INTO YOUR HERO COSTUMES AND MEET ME AT GROUND BETA." He clicked a button on a small remote and everyone's hero costume slides out from the wall, you look at your briefcase (number 16) that contains your costume.

All the girls walk to the change rooms together, chatting away and having fun. When you walk inside the change rooms you notice the change in smell, it smelt like sweet candy, probably from someone's perfume.

As you started getting changed you felt the girls eyes on you, Ochako speaking up for the group.

"Y/N you have so many scars on your body.."

Her hand delicately reached up and traced the large scar running across the left side of your ribs to you right shoulder, many other small scars scattered your skin. You body tensed up when you felt her warm hand touch your scars.

You turn to face her with a warm smile on your face, "Yeah, there from my years of training!" You lied, hoping she would buy it and drop the subject. Ochako was a bit suspicious because you had tended up but Momo had caught on to your discomfort and changed the topic of discussion to hero costumes.

 Ochako was a bit suspicious because you had tended up but Momo had caught on to your discomfort and changed the topic of discussion to hero costumes

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As you put yours on and did up the buckles on your left leg and arm. You put on your mask to prevent using your siren voice unintentionally. The girls turned and looked at you like you were a goddess, they were speechless. You had an amazing physique and it was obvious you worked out a lot more then they did but they didn't have a pro hero looking after them did they. You noticed their silence and turned around to look at them, when you saw their jaws on the floor you complimented each of their costumes and walked out heading to Ground Beta.

When you arrived you walked over to Kirishima who you'd become pretty good friends with over the last 2 days. He was standing with Kaminari and Sero. Who you were slightly less friendly with since not talking to them as much.

"Heyyyy Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero!!"

They turned their heads and saw you running up to them. The 3 greeted you and complimented your outfit (in a friendly way). Slightly further away from you 4 was a staring Bakugo, he was intrigued about the scars on your back and arms. He turned his head away after a bit of thinking, he told himself that he didn't care that much.

I noticed him standing alone and walked up to him, placing a delicate hand of his shoulder he swiftly turned around with a scowl on his face.

"I swear you have a permanent scowl on you face man!" Kirishima says as he walked up behind you.

"What do you think we're doing today, Bakugo?"

"Tch. Like I care park girl, all I know is that I'm gonna win!" He exclaimed with a sinister smirk on his face. I giggled at his declaration of war to the entire class, and patted his back before walking off.

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