Chapter 09

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"Come back, princess." Jimin sighed, seeing the toddler running away from him, laughing loudly and clapping her hands when he chased her slowly, pretending that he wasn't able to catch her. "We need to get you dressed, honey. You wanna go out with daddy right?"

"daddy" Evie nodded, running again.

Jimin scrunched his face up, crouching down as he sighed deeply, "Come here baby, won't you give daddy a hug?" he said with his arms open, putting Evie's dress away and waited for the baby to analyse the situation and come to him without finding anything suspecious.

"No?" he pouted at his daughter, tilting his head a little, "Evie doesn't love daddy. It's okay, daddy will just hug himself and cry alone."

Evie stared at him with her round eyes, mouth forming an 'o' in confusion, seeing her father burying his face in his hands, looking like he's crying with fake sobs. With a pout on the baby's lips, she came near him quietly, touching his hands while leaning closer to see his face.

Jimin looked up smiling and hugged her instantly, making her squeal and giggle between his arms. He stood up, carrying his daughter up and rubbing his nose on her belly, earning a loud cackle of heartfelt laughter, like music to his ears.

"Let's get ready now," He said, sitting her on the bed and grabbed her pink and white summer dress. "My baby will look like an angel."

In fifteen minutes, Jimin had gotten Evie dressed, leaving her to play with her toys while he got ready himself. After a long time, he had decided today to go out and show Evie around, have fun and enjoy everything with his daughter, like how fathers are supposed to do.

He smiled softly, securing the velcro of her squeaky shoes and buckled her in the booster seat, "We'll have a lot of fun today."


"Guys! Hurry up!"

"I told you I'm not going." Jungkook sighed, earning a glance from Taehyung whose brow arched at once.

"Going somewhere Kook?"

"No, just thought of resting today." The younger said, stretching his body as he flexed his muscles topless, just having his loose sweatpants hanging around his torso with the drawstrings that dangled down after a knot.

"Wahh! army should see this" hoseok joked.

jungkook chuckled shaking his head, "I don't even know why I'm not stripping for them already?" The boys laughed at his words as he grinned, sitting on the couch, having his abs and toned chest on full display, "Take a picture, we might post it later."

"And kill millions of armys?" Yoongi said, "No thanks. Now come on get ready, we all are going. No further discussion."

"I can't believe it's you saying that." The youngest sighed, "But okay, let's go."

The hyungs smiled at the boy, making him stop and stare back with a flustered expression, "...what?" Taehyung hid his smile, turning around and left for his room, while the rest hugged Jungkook, earning a playful whine from him as he pushed the hyungs away.

"It's been long since we all actually smiled." Jin said, patting the younger's head, "Today will be great."

Jungkook nodded gradually smiling as he himself saw how Jimin's advice made this house a better place to live. They all gathered again in half an hour, all dressed and looking much more presentable than before as they were ready to head out and enjoy the day off. It was Hoseok's idea to Jin, telling that they needed to go out for a bit and breathe without arguing for once. The eldest agreed and today he was set to take all his kids out, like a family picnic.

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