Chapter Six: Striking a Deal

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Kanas wondered how far he was willing to step over the line when it came to getting exactly what he wanted.  Whether that be an answer to a simple question or the details of someone's most dark kept secret. Such a wondering brought back memories of his time in the prison, of the lines that he had been so willing to cross in those final months. As though breaking someone's psyche hadn't been a requirement for his job, but a need with the twisted being inside of him.

And that's how it was feeling for Kanas now. Wanting to get Lucca back on his therapist lounge. He didn't want it, he needed it. He needed to feel that excitement of arguing with someone who could meet him on the same playing field, with the same intellect and knowledge. The same passion.

Thankfully, Kanas had control and self-restraint and he'd honed in on those abilities to keep him level-headed with Lucca. He didn't push the need for an appointment, or try to talk with her when he saw her at the university. And when he was back in his own office, he didn't drive to the school on the mere possibility of seeing her.

But his control finally slipped on Friday evening.

Allie McHenry had called him, saying that she had some more paperwork that she needed him to sign. Adding that she wanted to show him how the computer system worked, so that he could look into the student backgrounds if he felt it was required.

And it wasn't so much a requirement as it was a necessity for Kanas to delve into Lucca's background, when Allie had her back turned. He wasn't particularly interested in her school record, though his interest was piqued when he saw the art classes she was taking - he'd figured her more for a student who fancied the academic classes, rather than something that required access to base emotions. His objective was to find her address.

If he intended on convincing Lucca to continue with therapy, or to indulge him in conversation, then he'd have to do so face-to-face. And he wanted to do it on her home territory, amongst everything familiar and comforting to make her more relaxed. Though he knew that his presence on her doorstep would rattle her, not calm her.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to free up his calendar until Saturday.

And it was closing on on the last hours of the day when he finally made the drive through the wrought-iron gates of Lucca's mansion. He hadn't been surprised when Giada had answered the door, recalled her saying that she was living with her cousin during their session, though he could see that she was surprised to see him. Along with the surprise of a man who introduced himself as Victor, who immediately showed concern when Kanas asked for Lucca.

The concern of an uncle, not a father, Kanas discovered after introductions.

It raised questions as to who the house belonged to, Lucca's father of Victor. Though it didn't sit right with his stomach to know that Lucca was living as a guest in someone else's home. He'd be sure to ask her.

Lucca was swimming, Victor informed him, and then showed him through the expanse of the house and to the terrace.

And Kanas couldn't describe the feeling that washed over him when he saw her. And then again, when she saw him.

Maybe he'd describe it as static. White noise. A deafening calm. A sudden settling.

When asked why he was there, in a polite tone that held her obvious disdain, he'd stated a negotiation. Holding his playing cards in the form of a yellow envelope. Lucca looked at him for a long moment, uncaring of her half-naked attire or his fully clothed one, before agreeing, suggesting that they take their conversation inside, away from the prying eyes of her family as they watched on through the safety of glass.

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