Chapter Twelve: Shall We Play a Game?

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Kanas opened his mouth as though he was wanting to say something to placate her, or to rectify their conversation, but the oven-timer dinging from the kitchen stopped him before he could formulate a word, and he smiled a cordial smile as he stood and excused himself.

Lucca watched as he left, and breathed out an audible sigh of relief once she had been left alone with her thoughts. Immediately questioning her own judgment as to why she had agreed to dinner in the first place, knowing how easily Kanas could read her, and how little she liked people trying to get into her head. To get some kind of advantage on her.

Because that's what Kanas was doing, right? He was saying all of these things to get inside her head. To provoke a reaction from her.

I don't think I would ever be your doctor.

I don't believe that my professional means would aid me in getting to know you.

They don't hold my attention quite to the same extent as I find that you do.

Why would he say something like that to her? Why would he start saying those things to her, and knowing that she had a boyfriend. How long had he known about her and Jake? Did her bring her to dinner to tempt her, like Zeus with Leda?

Not that there really was a 'her and Jake' to know about, but it was the principle. To have her start thinking about their 'tug-of-war' relationship, about how they were going to lose, or the greatness that they had already lost. To have her think about how self-destructive she was!?

Which, okay, maybe there was a point there. Instances in her life where the measure of her own self-destruction was never in question. Beyond her relationship with Jake. Her past with Ethan. Like staying in Seattle, despite the danger. Actively seeking out people who wanted to kill her. Who had the ability to destroy her, like Kanas.

That was another thing about Kanas, he had her question things about herself. About a relationship she ultimately gave little thought about. He asked the right questions and the wrong questions and she answered regardless, because he had that nature about him.

And how long would it be before he started asking about her family again?

Or continued to question her about Jake, until she changed the conversation.

And talking about Jake. Questioning her intentions for being with somebody like him. Because she was out of his league.

Why would Kanas want to point that out? Was it just to tempt her, to influence her to break up with him. To point out all the flaws in their relationship, to point out all the ways in which he was wrong for her so that, what... he could step into Jake's place.

Was that what he wanted? A relationship with Lucca? Or to use Lucca, the way that Lucca was using Jake? As a means of entertainment.

Our gazes wonder all to easy for something that we want.

Was that his way of saying that he wanted her? Of explaining why his eyes were always lingering on her, like he couldn't look away as much as she found herself with him. Like he could see inside of her, see what she wanted and deserved and desired. Like he recognised part of himself inside of her.

Was this a ploy for him? Break down her walls, get to know her, only to turn against her. Find out who she really was and give her and her father into the CIA as soon as he had his answers. Was that the endgame here? Some elaborate mission to take down the Hayden's, and all at the cost of Lucca's heart?

Wait, why was her heart involved?

No, now she was getting distracted. Because he was distracting her, because that's what he did.

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