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A sweet tune rang through the halls of Azkaban. The sweet tune being someone whistling an old lullaby.
The lullaby was from the muggle world where the person had heard on the radio.. well not really a show but a trailer. The trailer was of a show called "The Promised Neverland." It was a sweet lullaby that wasn't hard to learn and didn't end to soon.

The prisoners of Azkaban didn't know who sung the tune but were greeted every morning and dozed to dreamless sleep every day and night with it. The lullaby's would sometimes change but the tune stuck, it was slow and calming. The tune resembled, in the prisoners minds, someone who slowly walked into an unknown darkness.. and when the tune would slowly stop, that woman or man was no longer alive in the darkness but had become one with it.

Soon the tune died down while a group stood in front of a cell. The cell door was black and seemed ancient old but somehow kept standing with the hinges.
Locks upon locks littered the door, showing just how dangerous and cautious the guards had to be with the prisoners that slept rows upon rows in front, under and above them.

Dumbledore stood in front of the group. Ron held onto Hermione who found this place horrid and unbearable. Some other members of the Order of the Phoenix stood behind Dumbledore like Ron and Hermione.
The some including Sirius, Remus and Moody.

Kingsley Shacklebolt stood beside Dumbledore and hesitantly began to unlock each lock.
By the time he was done about a dozen loud and rusty clicks were heard.

"Be aware of the dementors." "Dementors?", Ronald Weasley squeaked.  Kingsley nodded and went to open the door when Dumbledore stepped forward. "Shall I go first?" Kingsley let his hand slip. "If you want Albus." Dumbledore took the handle and creaked it open with a heavy push.

It was obvious the door hadn't been opened or closed for some time. And why would it, a slot to put a tray of food and some water was right there with about five locks on it as well.

A freezing cold feeling came over Dumbledore, the feeling of happiness leaving his now cold body.
Dumbledore shook the feeling off, he hadn't expected so many dementors to be guarding a 16 year olds cell.

"Harry?", Dumbledore called out in hopes of a reply.
No response came but he did hear something move. Dumbledore looked around the room. It was pitch black, giving his eyes no room to see even a foot in front of him.
Dumbledore didn't know how large the cell was but knew it couldn't be to big.

"Over here~."
The giggly and playful voice rang. Ron and Hermione got shivers. That voice was to playful, to innocent to be from someone stuck in Azkaban for 2 years.

Dumbledore turned around.
"Little more to your left Dumbly." Dumbledore turned a little more and sparkling emerald eyes met his own baby blue ones.
The eyes closed than opened again with a much more sinister joy in them.
"Oh~ why are you here? It's only been two years." The eyes moved upward. Dumbledore assumed Harry had been sitting.

"Lumos." Dumbledore glanced toward the door to see one of the guards had lit the small area.
Dumbledore looked back to see Harry Potter.

Harry was still incredibly short, seeming to stand only at 5'2 with pale and very dirty skin. His hair went down to his shoulders while it was still a mop of brunette but seemed greasy and crusty.
Harry wore gray ripped bottom long shorts with a very oversized gray cut v-neck shirt.

Dumbledore could tell Harry's bones poked through his skin, showing his extreme malnourishment and almost no fat on his scrawny body.

Harry smiled his widely goofy way.. but something seemed different about his pearly toothed smile. Dumbledore couldn't figure it out.
Harry hummed, his index fingers waving in the air as he looked around. His eyes then landed on the two people he was supposed to call his best friends.

"Oh~~ you brought along the mud blood and weasel~~ hehe.. aren't I lucky~?" "D-don't call her that!"
Harry threw something. Ron's cheek bled as a silver blade stuck into the wall. "Oops." Harry shrugged, palms toward the low ceiling.

"Harry?" Harry hummed, his green eyes growing wide in exasperation. "We've come to get you." "Oh~ really? Why~?"


"Harry Potter you are hear on the charges of killing Cedric Diggory!" Crouch slammed his wooden mallet on the wooden plat. "I didn't do such a thing! It was Volde-!"
"And how do we know your telling the truth you liar?!" "I'm not-!" "Stop spitting lies! I declare he will get the kiss!"

"That's outrages!" Everyone simmered down and looked at Remus. "Harry would never do such a thing!" "And how do we know that?" Harry looked at Hermione in disbelief. "Yeah! He could kill us for all we know!"
Harry felt his stomach drop at Ron's words.

Ruckus awoke.
The crowd shouted words like "Liar!" "Murder!" and some "Go to hell!"

Harry looked around.
He was being accused of something he hadn't done. Why were Sirius Remus Moody and Tonks the only ones defending him? Why weren't his best friends defending him?

Crouch slammed his wooden mallet again and silence slowly seeped into the court room.

"How do you plead?" "INNOCENT!!" "The kiss!" Harry clenched his fists. "What will happen if you kill him?" Everyone looked at Tonks. "The Wizarding world will turn on you! Your killing Harry Potter for merlins sake!"
Crouch seemed to decide.
"You will spend a life sentence in Azkaban!" He slammed his mallet once more and stood. "What?!" Harry went to protest with the other four but the Wizarding guards had already clenched onto his muscle-less arms.

-End of Flashback-

"We need you."

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