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Harry jumped as Draco walked behind him. "How are you so energetic all the time?" Harry looked back at him and turned, walking backwards. "I was in a small cell for 2 years.. my maturity went down.. by a lot." "I can tell!" Harry waved his hands for Draco to calm down.

"Hey watch-!" Draco sighed.
Harry looked up and Blaise waved. "Hey~ Zabini." "Why are you walking backwards?" "Because I can~." Harry swung his leg around and began swaying as he walked. "He has so much energy for 10 in the morning." "I know, I remember when 10 was like 6 for him." Blaise chuckled. "How was your weekend." Draco sighed. "Interesting." "It was that bad?" "No more like me getting to know what a vampire is like when their fangs first awaken." "Oh? Is it glorious?" "More like horrific." Blaise shook his head.
"How's your mother?" Draco shrugged. "She seems as normal as can be.. though she seems kinda on edge with Potter." "No one can judge her, Potters the dark lords first priority and prized person." Draco grumbled. "I still don't know how they ended up like that, only a few years ago Potter was shouting about Voldemort being back." Blaise chuckled. "A mark can do wonders Draco." "Apparently."

Draco was jumped onto and the duo looked behind to see Pansy. "Get off." Pansy pouted but obeyed.
"What are you doing Draco?" "Watching Potter." He pointed toward the carefree Harry. Pansy scoffed. "He's a child." "And the dark lords mate." Blaise shot Pansy a warning look. "He could get you killed with just a few words." "You are absolutely right Zabini."
Harry slipped off of Blaises back and slid over to Pansy. "Better keep that mouth shut Parkinson." Harry smiled. "I'm a very nice person if you don't piss me off." Pansy rolled her eyes. "Don't use the dark lords power." Harry stood and tilted his head.

Suddenly Pansy's chin was held up with a cold metal on her neck.
"Who said anything about Tom?" Harry giggled quietly and whispered into her ear, "Do you think the smell of your blood would effect me?"

Harry let go and bowed before disappearing. Draco grumbled.

"What do you thinking being locked up in Azkaban means?" Pansy slipped her hand off of her throat. "He's just threatening me, he can't and won't actually do anything." Draco looked at Pansy annoyed. "He killed 15 guards just because of his hunger... what makes you think your any different to him? Hogwarts student or not."

From Azkaban to Masterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن