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Stacey rented herself another appartment . She continued with her life but this time it was the worst she had ever lived , earlier she was invisible to people as they didn't even know her but now she was the centre of attraction , even if she was there people would  talk about her and her messed up relation. It didn't take long for the whole college to know that everything these two had earlier was now finished for good . It didn't affect KJ as he was again the free independent bird who doesn't need to fly in hiding . But it was not the same for Stacey , the time when she had lost her sister came back , she again lost her one and only sister she was left with , that too because of her stupidity . One thing that was different from the last time was that she had let out her feelings this time not trying to hold them back but to give it all out . All she needed now was someone who could hold her when she is weak , after she is done with the feelings outburst . And that was when this person appeared like a miracle or maybe not , that would be proved with time .

Stacey was having her lunch alone under the tree in the campus ground . She was used to this kind of silence earlier so she didn't mind being alone now too  . Even though it was a bit uncomfortable after losing all the buzz after 2 months but still it was bearable .

"Stacey ? Its you right ? " said the one who had came close enough to look at her face by her side .

"I really don't have any energy to answer your damn questions , Im sick of it . So could you please go and ask KJ instead , he will be willing to answer them in my stead ."Stacey said not bothering to look at the owner of the voice .

"No I don't have anything to do with him.  I just wanted to ....."he was cut before he could complete .

"What is it ...." Stacey turned towards him in annoyance but her expressions changed once she realised that it was someone she knew . "You ....?"

"Do you remember me , Stacey ? " he asked with eyes glittering with joy on her reaction .

"Yeah ofcourse I do , Harry ." Stacey said getting up to hug the sweet yet strong looking guy .

Harry Miller , he was the neighbour of Stacey  . He was the other person who was the extra entry in the group of the three musketeers. The three sisters adored him a lot because of his innocence and cuteness when he was young . Even though he was the same age  with Stacey and Celine yet all the three treated him as their younger brother. And as it is said when you got to gain something you got to lose somethings too . And Harry was one of those loses the sisters underwent , when they moved out of their parents' house.
They didn't have any contacts with each other until now , so seeing him there at that time gave Stacey a feeling of warmth or connection to the past when she was with her sisters .

"What happened, how are you here ? " Stacey asked Harry as soon as she broke the hug .

"I actually got admission in this college . In the commerce major ."

"Ehhh...since the semester beginning ? But I didn't see you around. How come ? "Stacey was flabbergasted and was in shock on knowing that her best friend was always near her but she didn't notice him.

"Ok ok slow down first . I came around the second semester and it is completely fine for both of us to not know that we are here as the campus is huge . "he said half laughing .

"Yeah that it is . "Stacey said  nodding her head with a grin. "But dude you glowed up . You look ...hmm well..handsome. "she said with a pleasant smile .

"Yeah but you changed a lot ." Harry said with a grim smile with a look as if he doesn't know anything yet knows everything .

"No that's not right . Im just the same old Stace you know ." she said this time her smile fading away with her words.

"So how's Celine doing ? "  First thing Harry asked after they both sat down under the tree .

Stacey didn't have the courage to bring up all the stuff that had happened all this while to tell Harry and be upset about the same again so she just ended the answer with "she is fine " .
"So tell me  about you. Where you been living and what about the studies . Going well ? " Stacey said trying to change the topic .

"Yeah all good. Stacey I  ... Yeah umm you visited your parents ? "

"Why did you change the topic . What is it . Tell me . It's fine , lil bro . Ask me what you are holding back . " Stacey insisted and waited for him to answer but it didn't take him long and without losing even a second he answered .

"Do you want to date me . I know this is absurd and out of the blue but it's just I know what you have been through not completely yet I know about you and that asshole so I just wanted to propose if you want to date me , even for a month . I just want you to forget about that jerk and ..." Harry had thought a thousand times before finally deciding to appear in front of Stacey to say these things . He just wanted Stacey to stop living such a pitiful life but he was taken aback by her response suddenly , when he was still trying to convince her .

"Ok . Let's date . " was all she said  then Stacey stood up , took her stuff and turned to walk ." You not coming. ? " she asked Harry to which Harry got up with a jolt and began to follow her with a cheeky smile as of a puppy who is happy to finally be with his owner after a long day .

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