The Affair {2}

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                “Connor, wake up!”

                Luka’s voice was firm. He had his hands on me and was shaking me violently, trying to wake me up.

                “Connor Brennan! Wake up right now! I mean it mister!”

                I managed to crack one eye open. “Luka, do you have breasts?”

                He blinked in confusion. He stopped rocking me and shook his head slowly. “No. I don’t have bre-”

                “Then you’re not my mother and you have no right to wake me up!” I said, pulling the covers over my head and trying to get back to sleep.

                “Connor!” Luka whined, trying to yank the covers off of me.

                I held them tightly, determined not to wake up. I hated waking up. I was so not a morning person.

                Luka let out a frustrated sigh and released the covers. I mentally groaned, knowing what his next attempt would be, and knowing that it would most likely work.

                “Connor,” he said, using the Voice. The Voice was his best weapon against me. It was so sad and innocent sounding, that it had me do almost anything Luka asked me to. “Please get out of bed.”

                I groaned and threw the covers off of myself, forcing my feet to hit the cold, hardwood floor of Luka’s bedroom. I managed to get my eyes open and narrowed them at Luka.

                “You cheat!” I growled.

                “Connor, please don’t be mad at me,” he said, still using the Voice. He flashed me puppy-dog eyes and I frowned deeply.

                I pulled Luka into my arms and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry Luka,” I said, knowing I didn’t actually have anything to be sorry for. But I hated to see him upset, even when I knew it was just an act.

                “I forgive you Connor,” Luka said brightly.

                I released him and he smiled up at me. I leaned down and kissed him lovingly. He kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my neck.

                Luka pulled away and took my hand in his. “No time for that! And don’t give me that pout face because it’s your own fault for being so stubborn about getting out of bed!”

                “Luka, you know I don’t like mornings,” I said as he dragged me downstairs and into his kitchen.

                “But mornings with me are fun!” he protested as he basically threw me into a chair at his kitchen table. He began to dig through the cupboards in search of breakfast.

                I rested my head on the table as I heard Luka starting to make us breakfast. I just wished I could sleep forever.

                Aw man. And we had school today too! I so didn’t want to go to school today. I was not in the mood for people. Maybe if I played dead, Luka would leave me alone.


                I picked my head up as the table shook a little. I looked down at the breakfast he had made for me and a smile made its way onto my face.

The Affair [boyxboy]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz