The Affair {5}

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                “Connor, to make sure you don’t get dizzy again, I made you a big breakfast!” Luka said cheerfully as he moved around the kitchen preparing our food.

                He set down a plate in front of me, watching me eagerly. I sighed and smiled up at him, the aroma of the food pleasing my nose.

                “Are you trying to make me fat? Two egg and cheese wraps for breakfast?” I asked jokingly, picking one up and biting into it.

                “Well you need to eat,” Luka said, sitting across from me with his wrap.

                We ate in comfortable silence. After my nightmare, I had stayed up, too afraid to sleep. I had begged Luka to let it drop, promising him that it was nothing.

                And soon enough, it would be nothing.

                This Saturday, I would cut off all ties with Blake once and for all.

                “Hey Connor…” Luka started nervously.

                “Luka, it was just a nightmare. I swear I’m okay. Everything is alright,” I promised him. I was going to make everything alright.

                “Just remember, if you want to talk about it, I’m always here to listen,” he said seriously.

                “Luka, how can I enjoy my fattening breakfast with you acting so serious?” I asked, shaking my head at him.

                “But eggs are good for you!” Luka protested. “Oh! And milk! I’ll get us some milk! Milk gives you strong bones, you know.”

                He jumped up and poured us both a glass of milk. We finished our breakfast before heading upstairs and getting dressed for school.

                We got in my car and I started towards the school, taking Luka’s hand in mine as I drove. Luka plugged my iPod in and began to nod his head along with Framing Hanley.

                “Want to hangout this weekend, Connor? We can go to the movies,” Luka said eagerly.

                “How about on Sunday? I have to work on a project Saturday,” I lied, giving him an apologetic smile.

                “Sunday it is! We can go see Mama. I hate horror movies, but you make them bearable,” he said, blushing lightly.

                “Luka, you just hide in my chest and plug your ears the entire time,” I said, laughing.

                Luka pouted and smacked my arm. “Hush! I just don’t like scary movies!” he whined. He paused and smiled happily. “But I love when you hold me through them. So, Mama on Sunday it is!”

                “You’re adorable,” I said, squeezing his hand as I parked the car.

                We got out together and walked up and into the school. Luka dragged me to the senior hallway and I waited patiently as he began to exchange his things at his locker.

                “Hey guys!”

                I turned and kept my expression calm as Blake walked towards us, Felix trailing behind him. They stepped up to us as Luka shut his locker.

                “Hi Blake! Hi Felix!” Luka said eagerly, waving at them.

                “Are you feeling better Connor?” Blake asked me.

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