CH: 19 I am bold

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CH: 19 I am bold

(Liam POV)

I don't know what came over me, but I was getting bold, very bold.

It was something that took me, and I'm sure Faith off guard as well.

She was staring at me, just staring and not saying anything.

"Liam, I'm dead." Faith said softly.

I felt my heart drop at the way her facial expression looked.

"We shouldn't do anything that would affect our feelings in any way." Faith said as she looked away from me.

"So, are you saying that you don't want to kiss me?" I asked her.

"Liam, I'm a ghost and-" She started to say, but I cut her off.

"Yet, I am still able to touch you, hug you and all. You're not just a ghost; you're Faith, someone who I have found myself interested in and someone who I respect. Your consent to things matters to me, which is why I'm letting you know all of this." I said to her.

"You told me if you were alive that you could see us being friends, but I for sure would have pursued to be more than just friends," I told her truthfully; Faith stared at me and hesitated with her words.

"And I probably would have done the same to you as well." Faith said, letting out a sigh.

"But that's if I was alive, Liam. I can't put you through false hopes knowing that nothing would come out of this; I can't hurt you like that. I don't want to hurt you." Faith said to me; she looked at me with a sad expression on her face.

"I can't be the girl you introduce to your parents, the one you have over for the holidays, the one you plan a life with, a family with because I can't give you that." Faith said, her voice expressing how hurt she was, causing me to just look at her.

"I'm sorry," I said to her.

"But I still would like to be someone to you, whenever those times come up, will cross it together, but I still want to kiss, I still want to wrap my arms around you and keep you safe, and I still find myself wanting to be with you in those ways. I have not felt the connection I felt with you with anyone else. So, as crazy as it sounds. I want to take the chance even though you're a ghost." I said to Faith.

"You're completely crazy; you know that?" Faith said to me.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at her.

"I mean, I thought you knew that when I didn't run out the house as soon as I realized you were a ghost," I said to Faith; I watched her throw her head back and laugh.

"You know what, you're right about that; I should have known something was suspicious about it when you didn't leave." Faith said, smiling at me.

"It's hard to leave; I mean, I don't mind being haunted by a beautiful woman. Especially one who can cook." I said to her.

Faith's eyes widened.

"Oh yeah, I was going to make you dinner." Faith said, turning to walk away.

"So, can I kiss you?" I asked her again.

She turned back around and faced me.

"Hmm, okay." She said.

I didn't even wait for her to change her mind; I pulled her face towards me and placed my lips on hers.

How was it possible that Faith's lips felt so soft against mine?

I pulled back to look at her, and her eyes fluttered open.

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