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I sipped on the orange juice that was in the glass beside me. It had been spiked with something and I wasn't telling Faye because she'd throw a fit but after all the things Kaleb had done to me, I think I deserved this little form of pleasure.

I placed the glass down outside the large tub Faye and I were relaxing in, the top covered with rose petals while the foam at the top smelt a little like vanilla.

Outside the tub were candles that flickered softly and soft music sounded in the air.

"I don't think I can move," I commented resting my back on the tub.

"I know. I think doing this today was a bad idea," Faye noted and I agreed. I barely had any strength left in my bones that felt like jelly.

I sighed, adjusting the bikini I had on. It was plain black unlike Faye's deep blue one. For a woman her age, she was very fit. I fiddled my fingers under the water, gathering the courage to ask Faye a few questions about Vittore. Questions I hoped would clear things up.


"Yes darling?"

"Can I ask you something?"

My voice was soft as I stared at the ceiling. I had the water slosh as Faye shifted where she was seating.

"Of course you can Dalia."

"It's about... Vittore," I mumbled, still not looking at her.

"Did he do something?" Faye asked worried.

"No. Well yes but-" I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "We've been bonding a lot lately. I signed the marriage contract so I guess that was a given but..."

"But?" Faye said softly, her tone coaxing me to go on.

"I... I..."

"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to Dalia," Faye reassured me.

"No I want to I just don't know how to bring it all out," I said frustrated. "It's just whenever he's not around, I think about him, a lot. I wonder if he's ok or if he's safe... I don't know. Then when he is around I feel like this... I don't know how to describe it but this morning it was more of a warmth if that makes sense."

I finally turned to look at Faye who was smiling brightly like I'd given her the best news of her life. I small squeal tumbled from her lips and I didn't know what to make of it.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. Just..." Faye cleared her throat. "Continue."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her but went on. "I've never felt this way before and it scares me because I know if Vittore asked me to be in the front line of a battle, I'd willingly go if it meant he would be perfectly fine. The same goes for you too but with him, everything is different."

Faye had this fond look on her face and her smile had gone from excited to soft and understanding.

"Your heart beats faster every time he calls you tesoro doesn't it?" the older woman asked and I nodded. "You can't stop staring at him can you? You can't stop noticing the small things he does, the ones you're familiar with and new ones that make you all the more intrigued... in your eyes he can do no wrong can he?"

"No," I answered truthfully, shaking my head. "He seems so... right and perfect I guess and it scares me Faye. What can I do to make it stop?"

"The real question is, do you want it to stop?" I hesitated at Faye's words. "Do you want to stop feeling that care, that rush every time he's around? Do you want things to go back as they were when you first met? Do you want to forget my son?"

"No... never.... I can't..." I scratched the back of my neck, my heart twisting in the confines of my chest.

"I know this all must be new and scary for you Dalia," Faye softly stated, drifting closer and holding my hands in hers. "Let me give you a piece of advice, sì. This feeling you have right now, it only comes once in your life. You may feel it again but it will never be this strong or even this life changing. What you're feeling Dalia, many have felt it. It's a gift. A beautiful, wonderful and delicate gift that if taken care of well and left to blossom, can create something magical."

"I get what you're saying Faye but what is this feeling? I don't want to put it into words but you have to tell me what it is," I pleaded, holding tighter to the older woman's hands.

It could be attraction, something I'd ruled out or maybe even lust but to me, in my mind it was stronger than that. Faye smiled softly at me and raised her hand to pat my cheek, her wet fingers leaving some little soap my mocha skin.

"All in due time Dalia," she said. "You know what it is but you're ignoring it but it takes time. At some point, you are going to accept it then scream it out to the world for all to hear. It may mean nothing to the 7 billion people on the planet but to Vittore... sweetheart it would mean the world."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked her. "You have so much confidence in this situation-"

"Correction," Faye quickly said cutting me off and pointing at my chest. "I have confidence in you and what lies underneath here. I also know my son better than most would give me credit for. He's just a little misunderstood that's all. When you make it past the walls and the infinite darkness, you'll see a very normal and lonely little boy that matches the little girl I see in you."

Faye's dark eyes stared intensely into my brown ones. I was completely and utterly confused and lost. Her words made sense but they were jumbling with all my other thoughts and worries, making it hard for me to think. Noticing my turmoil, Faye pulled me to her chest and hugged me. I found solace in her tight grip that matched my own.

I felt shrouded from my problems for a split second. Shrouded from all the confusing things that had been happening recently.

"Everyday Dalia, everyday life is going to throw something at you that you can't handle. It's you to decide who will be with you when you need to get back up because you're a Martinelli now. And as a Martinelli, we never give up or fall down. We rise above the ashes, lead the herd and put family first but... you can't do that if you don't start believing there are things that you deserve."

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