Chapter One

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I wipe black blood off of my knife and slide it back into my belt before staring down at the zombie I just ended the life of. I don't recognize them as anyone I knew but guilt still claws at my insides and makes me want to roar with pain.

These zombies that were once people have no sense of what they once were. They're rotting and dead so ending their not alive life isn't a monstrous thing to do I remind myself again and again. I chew on my bottom lip before snatching my back up off of the floor.

If this zombie has located me here then others will be soon to follow. Luckily, living the nomadic lifestyle I've adopted creates a harder trail for them to follow. It's probably due to that factor I've survived for this long.


The first person to turn was a man in his eighty's and he was shot dead within seconds before he had a chance to spread the virus. The story was covered up until five more cases occured that weren't as easy to eliminate.

At first, we were told not to panic and that the government had it all under control. Then, we were told that certain areas had to quarantine. Finally, we were told not to leave our homes. Both my mum and dad had to quit their jobs and my sister's and I had to stay off of school which seemed exciting at first before it became frightening.

The virus got in and my parents were the first taken out. I grabbed my sister's - Bethany, Elizabeth and Maggie - and ran despite how much it hurt leaving my parents to rot.

We survived in a small corner shop with a locked door and bolted windows. We ate rations and prepared for invasions but then the food ran out and with it, so did our hope.

Maggie was the first to be turned. We had gone looking for food and she was only seven making her small and slow. The zombies heard us and as we ran, they snatched her up and bit into her screaming body instantly marking her as infected.

After that we couldn't go back to the shop. We had grown used to life being semi-safe in that shop so it didn't take long for us to slip up and both Bethany and Elizabeth to be infected.

I was a coward though. I could have saved all three of them and fought off the undead but instead I ran to save myself leading to every member of my family being taken.

Leading to me being alone.

After I lost everyone, I started traveling to one enclosed location to the next. So far, I haven't met anyone else alive and I'm starting wonder if I'm the only one who has survived this plague.

I haven't used my voice in weeks and I'm starting to doubt that I'll ever speak again even just to murmer a letter. The undead have poor eyesight and next to no sense of smell so the main sense that they use is sound. I've spent the majority of my time alone creeping around without making a sound in fear that they'll find me like they did when they maliciously infected my sister's.


I watch the sun rise through the grime coated window of the office block I've been staying in for three days. Time of day doesn't really effect the undead but I feel less spooked traveling by day.

Once the light has reached the destroyed city, I hurry down the stairs and force open the once automatic front entrance. I peer from left to right before sliding one of my knives out from the loop in my belt and squeezing the handle tightly.

When the virus first occured, panic created chaos. People tried to evacuate leading to discord, not to forget about the destruction of property as well. Within days we had a full blown calamity on our hands with no one knowing how to deal with it.

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