Chapter Four

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Government officials urge people to remain indoors as the virus spreads through the city. Scientists have discovered that the virus is transmitted through an infected person bitting an uneffected person. No cure has been descovered but we assure citizens that they're perfectly safe.

"The government are lying again. No surprise there." Elizabeth says dryly as she flops onto the sofa beside me.

"Maybe we are perfectly safe." I say in attempt to reassure her and myself on the matter. Ever since the first official news report made of this new epidemic, I have been living in a constant state of panic. I even pretened to be unwell to prevent having to go to school before we went into lockdown just to remain safe.

"August's brother was shot dead after being infected. She said that he became feverish for fourty-eight hours before dying. He was taken away after that but we all know that he's coming back." Bethany informs me as she flops down on my other side.

"He'll be rotting and brainless now though." Elizabeth adds. While I've always known that the twins are overally brave people, I feel as though they should fear the virus at least a little bit.

"Danny, I'm scared." Maggie cries as she springs onto my lap and I hold her tightly. While Elizabeth and Bethany are at the age to understand the situation and look on the bright side, Maggie's too young to. Despite being nine years older then her though, I share her fear.

"It's going to be alright Mag. Don't you worry." I assure her despite not believing it myself. While I've neither seen an infected person nor known one, the looming dread of it is enough to panic me until my breath hitches in my throat and my palms grow sweaty.

Suddenly, a cacophony of shattering glass echoes from the kitchen causing us all to jump. Hoisting Maggie into my arms, I stand and pray that it isn't what I think it is.

"RUN!" My mother screams as she bursts through the kitchen door without dad. A rotting hand, crusty with black blood reaches for her and claws it's jagged nails against her neck.

"Mum!" Bethany screams in horror as blood splatters the living room and our mum lays sprawled on the ground.

"Run." She gasps as the monsters clawed hands now rip through her mousy hair in desperate attempt to reach her flesh. Bethany darts towards mum but Elizabeth seizes her wrist and yanks her away. More of the monsters emerge from the kitchen and without a second thought, my sister's and I sprint from our home.

I look back despite knowing that I shouldn't to find the egg shell blue walls now crimson with human blood...


I wake up with a start. Sweat coats my trembling body as I lay amongst a tangle of duvets. Sounds echo around me yet I can't comprehend a single one, making me dizzy and light headed.

"What's happening to him?"

"Some sort of PTSD episode or something."

My mother's blood had soaked the walls and knowledge of my father not even able to escape the kitchen makes my head spin. I attempt to sit up yet I'm too disoriented to be able to locate the truth between up or down, left or right.

"Danny, just listen to my voice."

Oxygen refuses to enter my burning lungs despite my gasping causing the world to spin faster. I gasp and choke yet remain breathless. Suffocated.

Suddenly, a sweaty hand is planted in mine and I hurridly turn to find Simon sitting beside me appearing panicked.

"Just focus on us." Honey says directing my attention to her now. "You're here and safe. All of that is unchangable in the past while you're in the present."

"They died." I gasp in attempt to separate the past, present and future. "My parents died."

"It hurts, but you can cope Danny. After all, if I can, you definitely can." Simon encourages, his words soothing me slightly. While I know I shouldn't, the knowledge of him also losing his parents comforts me since it allows me to realise that he understands my pain.

"I never saved them." Is all I can say.

"Neither did I." Simon breaths.

"Have a drink." Honey whispers as she passes me a glass bottle of something. I sniff the liquid within and wrinkle my nose in disgust as a burning stench eminates from the lip of the bottle.

"What is this?" I question.

"Alcohol." Honey beams before Simon snatches it off of me.

"I am not dealing with drunk teenagers again." He states dryly but Honey only smirks.

"You could join us into becoming a drunk teenager, you know." She points out but he only grumbles something rude before passing me a glass of water we cured with liquid ioden the previous morning. "I'll take that as a no then."


Adjusting to an apocalyptic lifestyle was hard at first. Growing up, one becomes used to the comfort and security of family and the humdrum routine of everyday life. After the apocalypse had began though, all of that changed.

For a long while, I was alone. I traveled to remain hidden and fought the occasional undead army if my path happened to cross with them. I scavenged for food and rationed what I found to assure that I continued to have enough until I reached the next shop.

Soon, I'd began to fall into a new routine of moving, waiting a few days and then moving again. By then I had convinced myself that I was alone and had assured myself over and over that I was alright with that while truly, I wasn't. Seeing the smoke of Honey and Simons fire brought me hope that I could survive this instead of just prolong my death.

Falling into a routine with others was the next challenge I had to face. Protecting the school from unwanted visitors and finding ways to survive without the comfort of modern day investions was a struggle at first yet I adapted.

When Simon isn't found with his head firm within a book, he's in the textiles classroom scavenging for fabric to patch up clothes and create news ones. Honey is constantly in the gym training her athletic body to become fitter. Before I came along, they both used to take in turns either boiling water or adding liquid ioden yet that's my job now. While I may lack a set skill like their's, I find that my extra pair of helping hands has been of an assistant to them.

Maybe this world can be repaired? Maybe we could survive this long enough to find out?

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