Angle in red

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There she goes dancing across the yard into my heart. For she is stunning. 3 years can really change someone. I watch her as she disappears into the crowd. My heart hasn't felt like that in years. My heart was on a

Cloud. Floating towards heaven. I want to ask the angle in read if she feels the same way about me but I would just get rejected. For I am just a fat rock that sits and thinks. Some willing to help me get with the angle

In red. But I refuse and panic. For I am shy. Or rather scared. I know for a fact she will not like me back but my heart yearns for her. But my heart is in a week state in need of love. One regection is one broken piece in

My heart. I barely know how to flirt or charm, yet I still want her. Notice me, notice me, for I have noticed you after 3 years. If I am rejected I will not be able to heal. I want to ask those willing to help but... I am afraid.

When those willing to help me break my turst and "help" me behind my back. After they "help" they tell me how rude the Angle in red was and they laugh at me mocking me. For they broke my trust and played me

For a fool. I knew I could never be loved for I am a joke a big joke. I laugh but on the inside I cry. I am a fool. An animal taking the bait. A joke. The joker. The joke. A walking piece of trash.

The Dark Ages Volume 1 [ Formerly "A Sideways Plummet"]Where stories live. Discover now