Skater boy

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Skater boy I heard you skateboarding from my room as the wheels grinded on the street tar. After having some self restraint I finally decided to watch you skate. I watched you skate from my

Window saying to myself "That's how I wanna be." the sweet sounds of your skate board wheels is all I wanna hear. It's the sound I wanna hear when I'm finally cruising on my own skate board.

I wish I had my own board but the money has decide for me. I watched you for a while and then you had to go, but why did you go? You could have stayed you know? Why did you go?

I want to be like you. If the money gave me a chance maybe I could be like you. I wish I was cruising on my board listening to music doing simple tricks like all the skater boys like you.

I wanna be the one cruising around on a smooth ride listening to the wheels as they grind against the concrete feeling peaceful bliss thinking "finally I have my own board. Finally I get to cruise

around like I'm in a movie." Every car tricks my ears for all I hear is your board's wheels grinding against the tar because that's all I want to hear. Right here, right now.

The Dark Ages Volume 1 [ Formerly "A Sideways Plummet"]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant