Chapter 132

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Lin Ji felt...he probably was a bit spoiled rotten by Rong Qing.

As he ate the exclusive meal that Rong Qing had someone deliver over, he actually thought it was tasteless.

When he thought about a certain formally dressed man who’d smile like a kid as he sat eating beside him, occasionally stealing away a piece of meat or vegetable from his bowl with a gleeful expression, Lin Ji felt even more so that today’s lunch today was extremely tasteless in comparison to before.

Especially since in a time like this, as he ate quietly in his lounge, suddenly two people entered.

It was Chu Ke and A.

Not many people knew about their relationship on the set because both of them didn’t like being high profile. Therefore, most of the people thought that A was some executive in the production group, who’d come and discuss business with director Chu Ke every other day.

“A-ge! You’re bringing food for me again today?” Following A into the lounge, Chu Ke completely discarded his serious director demeanor. Right now, he was more like a domestic hamster, who upon smelling his owner, would pitifully run around his owner’s side, begging for food.

A thoughtfully closed the door. After touching Chu Ke, his expression immediately became gentle. Lowering his head slightly, he kissed Chu Ke, the movement natural and warm: “En. I made you something good.”

Chu Ke was a bit embarrassed, but he still tiptoed and returned the kiss.

Hehehehe! He definitely earned here! A-ge was just as he expected! Impressive! Can make food, the extremely tasty kind! And plus, he’d even bring him the food in person!

Hehehehehe. Good thing he was smart and put a ring around him early. Such a good person, of course it’s best to strike first!

As A opened the lunchbox, he nodded his head at Lin Ji. They were technically occupying Lin Ji’s resting lounge. But good thing Lin Ji had a pretty good temperament.

Lin Ji smiled faintly in return and then silently turned around to eat his food all by his lonesome.

So, why did he object to Rong Qing coming here before? Was eating together with him not a good thing? Even though he had to pay a little xxxx price, didn't he also enjoy it?

Of course he enjoyed it!

Taking another deep breath, Lin Ji pretended he wasn’t here and shrunk in the corner. His life was too hard.

On the other side, A fed Chu Ke as he checked on Chu Ke’s progress.

After he resigned from Rong Qing’s side, he followed the plan and bought a house, cars, cats, and had a vacation, then spent what’s left of his money investing in the branch company after a discussion with Rong Qing.

Right now, between Chu Ke and him, one was the manager of the branch company, the other was a big shareholder of the branch company. A lot of the work and responsibility in running the company now landed on him.

Chu Ke stuffed one of the small round potatoes in his mouth and said muffled. “Everything is going well. Not many problems. Right now the filming is heading back on the right track.”

The little potato is so tasty~

“Oh right. The woman from before still wants to cause trouble.” Chu Ke said: “I told people to take note of her. I heard she plans to sell the news about CEO Rong and Lin Ji to the entertainment records. However, unfortunately, not many entertainment records dare to buy CEO Rong’s news.”

A nodded his head: “En. I know about this. Don’t worry. She won’t be able to make any waves.”

One of the things he was responsible for included this. He already met with those entertainment records ahead of time. As long as Rong Qing didn’t want it, no one would be able to expose the thing between him and Lin Ji.

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