The Nightmares...

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Ella's P.O.V. Three months later...

I was staring into a fire, laying down on a couch, my head on Bruce's lap. These past few months had been amazing. Bruce did nothing but dote on me when he was home, and while he was gone Alfred provided company. Alfred and I had many chess matches while Bruce was gone, sometimes they went into the night and Bruce would come back to us in a heated war. It sharpened my mind and kept me from thinking about what happened. The only time I ever thought about it was in my dreams or if I didn't distract myself. Because of this I also spent a lot of time in Bruce's library, acquainting myself with every book I could reach. I was thankful when Alfred showed me there was a ladder for the higher shelves. All in all, I was grateful for everything Bruce and Alfred had done for me.

As Bruce continued to play with my hair I dozed off into a nightmare.

Darkness. That was all I could see. .

"Hello?" I asked. "Anyone?"

I felt sharp needles in my back, like someone was watching me. Someone else was there. I started to run, a cold and harsh wind blowing in my face. Snow coated the ground, the cold eating at my skin. I saw a man run in front of me.

"Barry?" I called. 

But I realized the person I saw dressed in was black. Not red. It wasn't Barry.

"Who are you?!" I yelled, the wind harsh. "I'm not afraid!"

I was lying. I was terrified. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, desperately trying to warm myself. Suddenly, the Batman was in front of me. Again. This was not the first of many similar dreams.

"I know that you're lying," he said, his voice deep and intimidating.

"No I'm not!" I yelled.

I turned and tried to run, but an invisible force was holding me back.

"No!" I screamed. "I am not vulnerable! I AM NOT WEAK!!"

I couldn't be. I couldn't be weak.

Bruce's P.O.V.

"No," Ella mumbled. "I'm not weak."

Ella started to shake and she gripped onto my shirt. My expression softened and I tried to help by brushing her hair softly. I knew she was having a nightmare, this wasn't the first in the past few months.

"Ella," I called quietly. "Princess, wake up."

"Batman... Leave..."

My face fell. Why does she still have to be afraid of the Batman? Why? I understood the physiological reason, but it still hurt. I wished there was a way I could help her.

"Ella," I called again. "Ella!"

"Bruce!" Ella cried, her eyes shooting open and she sat up.

She turned to me, her eyes wide and a cold sweat fell down her face.

"Ella," I said calmly.

A sob came out of her mouth and I pulled her into my chest.

"Help me Bruce," she whispered. "I don't want to be scared of him. I don't know why. I'm so confused."

I rubbed Ella's back softly.

"I wish I could help you," I said. "I wish I could take away all of your fear."

"S-So do I."

"Do you want to go for a walk on the grounds?"

She nodded and we stood. We walked outside and to the gardens, which is where she liked to be after a nightmare. She loved the flowers and uniquely shaped trees. Alfred informed me that she especially liked the forget-me-nots, so I ordered more to be planted. We came across an empty garden and something sparked in Ella's eyes. She looked up at me with a big smile.

"Can I plant a garden of my own?" Ella asked.

I thought for a moment. This might distract her from her nightmares. Besides, how could I deny her when she looked so happy from the idea?

"Please?" She asked, giving me puppy dog eyes. I smiled.

"If course," I agreed.

Ella's eyes brightened and she squealed and hugged me.

"Thank you, Bruce! Thank you!"

I chuckled and hugged her back.

"I love you Ella," I said.

She pulled back and looked me in the eye. That was the first time I told her that.



"I love you too Bruce."

My heart swelled and I smiled a huge smile. I kissed Ella's forehead and I let it linger for a moment. My phone vibrated and I sighed, already knowing it was Batwave. I looked at my phone and groaned. Car chase.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

Ella gave me a sad smile.

"You own a company, I completely understand."

"Thank you."

I ran inside, and down to the cave. What did I do to deserve Ella?

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