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Ella's P.O.V.

A few months had passed since Ethan had turned into Clayface, and since then detective Yin, or Ellen, and I had become friends. Which is why I wasn't surprised when she called me one cloudy day.

"Hey, Yin, what's up?" I asked.

"Hi Eleanor, I need a favor."

"Of course."

"You're good with biomechanical engineering, right?"

"Yes, very."

"Riddler has set bombs at town hall, and they're filled with a substance we can't identify. I was hoping you could, or at least defuse the device."

I thought for a moment. Bruce had left only seconds ago to help with this, but what if he couldn't defuse it?

"Sure, I'm on my way," I agreed. "You called the right person."

"Thank you, Eleanor. I promise you'll be in protective gear, so assure your husband you'll be okay."

"Don't worry about him, I'm on my way."

I hung up and grabbed some supplies before rushing out to the car. I made it to city hall in minutes and Yin was there to greet me. She thanked me and I got a protective suit to put over my clothes. I walked into the building and looked at the large tanks filled with a weird green substance. I immediately searched the tank for an entrance to possibly get a sample of the substance, but it was too risky. Next, I checked the wiring, but it was odd. Most of them were hidden, six plugs being attached to a computer that told a riddle. A large hourglass was set in front of it, and once it came to a stop it would all bow.

"When you do not know what I am, I am something," I muttered, reading it aloud. "But when you know what I am, I am nothing. What am I?"

"Well?" Yin asked.

"I can't access the liquid, but from the looks of it, I'd have to guess it's an acid. This wiring is real though, those bombs are rigged to blow."

"And the word game?"

"If I had a solid two minutes I could solve it, but unfortunately I don't have that ti-" I paused as I glanced to the window to see the end of my husband's, the Batman's, cape. He must've wanted me to see him. "Yin, please leave."

"Eleanor, I can't do that-"

"Yin, trust me, leave now, I need complete silence and no one over my shoulder. Go, now! If I really can't do anything I'll come out, but I haven't given up yet!"

Yin didn't look convinced, but slowly nodded and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck," she said before running out.

I let out a breath and looked up to see Bruce perched on the ceiling.

"You know we can't let them see us together, right?" I questioned, Bruce jumping down and walking towards the computer.

"If you hear someone coming, scream," Bruce instructed as he looked at the riddle. He muttered it aloud and I thought. Suddenly, it clicked.

"I am, a riddle," Bruce and I concluded at the same time.

He typed in the answer, just as the last grain of the hourglass fell. Instantly the glow of the questionable substance died down, and the bombs were disabled. I took off my layer of protective gear and let out a breath of relief.

"Okay, well that's a relief," I said. "I'm taking the night off tonight.

"Bravo!" A voice came from a projection in the hourglass. It turned into the form of Riddler. "Someone is very bright. Step into the light. So the Riddler can see you."

A Man With Two Masks// Bruce Wayne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now