Chapter 13

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When I got sucked inside the portal, I saw that it was pointed to the ground, my body is hanging above the people underneath me because my hand was still holding tight onto my beloved mate.

No, I don't want to leave her, but why is she not getting sucked into the portal? She's my mate! And why? When we are finally getting comfortable and happy with our life together. Damn you, destiny.

Suddenly, I felt my hand slipping out from her. No! I was about to hold her hand with the other but it was like the portal turned into glass. My hand won't get inside.

"No.." I whispered as soon as my hand finally slipped out of her gasps and the portal was closed.

I didn't get to act in time and my back landed on the hard ground. I heard gasps coming from my people but I didn't care.

I grudgingly stood up, glaring at them, too hurt and annoyed because of loosing my mate and being tortured by destiny. What are you plotting dragon god and goddess? Please..

I released my wings and soar through the skies, passing by the clouds until I saw my floating towers and floating castle. I felt Logan following me but I didn't spare him a glance.

I passed through my towers and landed on the hard floating ground.

"King Drayce!" Someone greeted but I ignored him and ignited into a fire before going inside the castle so no one could get near me. I surely need to work on this anger issues.

I went inside my room and closed the door with a thud. I removed the fire around my body and sat on the soft bed, letting tears fall from my eyes.

"Mate is gone, I already miss mate.." I heard Drake whine inside my head that only shattered my heart into pieces.

The door suddenly opened and I felt the presence of my brother, Logan.

"Drayce?" He called for my name with a careful tone.

"Who opened the portal?" I asked with gritted teeth.

"What?" He asked with confusion in his voice. I snapped my head towards him with my hair that turned into a red fire, making him step back.

"Who fvcking opened the portal!?" I snapped with anger. Drake was also growling inside my head.

Why was it so soon? I was still figuring out how to make that portal permanent somehow. But why? It was too early.

"We have no idea, Drayce." He explained with a worried tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown.

"Me and Kris were still figuring out how to make that portal return, we didn't do anything yet when the ground shook and the portal appeared in the sky with a weird position." He explained that made me become crestfallen.

How could this be? What is the dragon god and goddess planning? What are they thinking?

The fire on my head turned blue and I sat on the bed, tears flowing from my eyes. This bond.. It's too painful.

"Brother, what happened to you inside that realm? Why are you acting like that?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"I found my mate.." I said softly.


Logan stopped moving and he froze, feeling woebegone for his brother. He felt his own eyes sting and his heart breaking.

Their bond as brothers is getting triggered by the other's pain of loosing a mate. A tear fell from Logan's left eye.

"Brother.." He rushed to hug Drayce and to comfort him.

"I have a mate in that dimension, in that world, in that realm, Logan. I had her, in the palm of my hands.. but now, I only have her inside my heart and memory, I had her with me.." Drayce cried in his little brother's embrace.

It was weird since Logan is more of a crybaby than Drayce, and Drayce would always be the one hugging and comforting him since their mother died because of her illness and their father was always busy with ruling the kingdom.

They only have each other since they were 7, and Drayce would always stand as a father for Logan whenever their father is busy, but now, the position has changed, Logan is comforting him. It is so new to him but he's still comfortable.

"I know how much it hurts, I feel it from you, but stay strong, okay? She's your true mate big'bro, you'll get her back, I know that." Logan said while patting his brother's back.

"I guess.." He said slowly. Logan nodded while still comforting his brother.

After a few more minutes, Drayce calmed down and Logan got out of the room to get a drink for his brother. Drayce then remembered something and took the rose from under his jacket.

He was supposed to give it to Evera but because of the portal, his plan didn't happen. He held the rose in his hand. At least he knows that it wasn't just a dream.

He was happy, because if the rose didn't grow from the ground of the dragon realm and stays in their realm, then the red rose will become red and alive forever.

He placed it on the black table beside his huge bed with a small smile on his face. He will wait for her, or better yet.. ask Kris to still work on the portal. He thought that it was a great idea, instead of waiting for her, he'll do everything to bring her back into his arms and get to embrace her once again, no matter how hard it takes.

Logan got inside the room and Drayce looked at him with a small smile.

"I want to work, how much work is waiting for me?" He asked with a bit of happiness in his tone.

"You have a lot, but I took care of the others. It is in your office." Logan said and Drayce nodded in understanding before walking towards his office.

"How about the food?" Logan asked, raising both his hands that was holding the plate of food.

"You eat it or leave it in the kitchen, I'm not hungry." Drayce said before walking farther away.

Logan just shook his head, looking at his brother's retreating figure.

"Vice-king, Logan. We heard that King Drayce has returned?" The High lord, Harrison asked with politeness, along with 5 more lords, Gideon, Dale, Vale, Sean, and Aerol walking towards him.

"Yes, But he is not in the mood to talk right now, High lord, Harrison." Logan said with a polite smile.

"Perhaps my daughter could help with his mood?" All the heads turned to Gideon who's got a goofy smile on his face. Logan's smile dropped and his face became gloomy.

"Lord, Gideon. I would close my mouth if I were you." Logan said coldly before walking towards the direction where his brother was heading.

Dale, Vale, Sean and Aerol smirked when Gideon got cold-shouldered by the vice-king, the four of them hated him from the back of their bone because of his greediness for power.

But not only him, even his family, especially his daughter who would always flirt with every other powerful dragons, even the king, but funny enough, she was always ignored by his Majesty.

Harrison glared at Gideon as he just looked away, embarrassed.

"If the king heard what you said, you would have been removed from your position as a lord, and we won't care about that." After Harrison said that, he walked away along with the other lords.

Because of too much embarrassment, Gideon just walked to another direction towards the exit.


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