The strange Gentleman

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“I’m leaving, do you need anything else dad “I said.

“No honey, goodbye” said my father waving to me bye.

Today I’ll take my salary it been a hole month working hard for this, for my father’s medicines.

“Good morning Isabelle. I see you came early today. Full of energy, when I was in your age I was like you, confident, active and smiling to life even if it was harsh to me” she said remembering her childhood throw me .”Oh yeah take your salary, no work today. You can say its holiday” she continued in good spirit.

Straight I went to nearest pharmacy, feeling pleasant and all I waited came true.

“Can you find me these medicines on the paper; please “I asked the pharmacist.

“I’ll see if had them” he said searing for the medicines on the shelves. In this time a wealthy gentleman entered to the pharmacy, the pharmacist stop looking and went toward the rich man.

I waited but still he didn’t give me any attention, like I was invisible.

“Sir….but….”he stopped me by waving his hand, like people do when they see a fly.

“Why don’t you see what young girl wants first” said the gentleman staring with wide eyes open like he knew me and said “Anastasia”.

That was my mother’s name; I didn’t know how he knew her name. He was staring at me and I saw a tear felled from his left eye.

“How do….. You know my mother’s name?’’I asked startled.

He smiled and said “an old friend, just a friend’’.”Where do live dear” he asked.

I told him where we live and he asked about my father too.

“Wish him he’ll get better, tell me what about your studies sweaty, I hope you are like your mother in studies, she was way good” he said grinning.

“I….don’t go to school” I said looking at ground sadly.

“It’s ok, when day you well I promise” he said like he really meant it.

“Miss, your medicine is ready” said the pharmacist.

I took them and paid the money and left in hurry to give my dear father his medicine.

Even I forget to ask the gentleman his name, I was over happy.

When I get there I told my father about strange gentleman who knew my mother.

“Did he say his name?”Father asked.

“No and I forget to ask” I said.

“However, look to my small girl grown up, bringing her father the medicine” said my father looking at the bottles smiling.

I hugged him and it felt full of warmth, I wished my mother was here too.

The open secrets of IsabelleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon