The Letter

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In the morning, when I was leaving to the bakery, I saw a white envelope down the door. It was for my father from a person named Adrian Lapofe.

“Adrian! What remind him to us???”Father said stunned.

“Read dad what it says?”I said excited.

“Ok, it says. Dear Daniel which is me” said the father playing with my nervous.

“Then…?”I said wanted him to continue.

“I heard your sickness from your daughter, and I hope you’ll get better .I want to help until you stand on your legs again, I’ll send money every month and put Isabelle in school, for her own good.

I know you well refuse but you have to accept for your poor child.

And after, you can pay me back, it’s your choice.

I know we never had been friends but now I want to be your friend, with pure heart.

And about that night, am sorry. I should respect Anastasia’s choice, sorry again.

Note: I’ll come by to see you and Isabelle, if it is ok with you.

My father was not normal he seemed sad and thinking of the letter .For me I was happy of it that meant going to school, and no more work. It was nice news but I couldn’t talk to my father about it because it was the opposite for him.

After he read the letter he didn’t say anything , and I didn’t ask him , just left the room

We waited Mr. Adrian and finally he arrived, he was the same man in the pharmacy.

“Good evening” said Mr. Adrian politely.

“Welcome come in” said my father opening the door. After a while my father asked me to go to my bed room, it seems it was something important they want to talk about.

I accepted that they hate each other or they had a past problem and they needed to solve it without me present there.

After some time I heard a laughing noise I was amazed, I predict wrong they were fine together.

“Isabelle. Isabelle. Come “father said calling.

“Yes father” I said looking at them both, I saw they come along at last; smiling to each other, after all that old stuff I see had been erased from their memory. I felt pleasant, that mean my father agreed and I am going to school.

“Are you ready….you are going to school tomorrow, I’ve discuses it with your father and he did agreed.” said Mr. Adrian happily.

“Is that true dad?”I asked my father, I couldn’t believe my ears.

“Yes it is” said my father.

“I ….I can’t believe it, it’s like dream came true. WOW” I said feeling gleefully.

That night I felt it was being the beginning of all good things, and everything well change. It was indescribable moments, which were full of happiness.

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