Chapter One

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"TYLER. BREAKFAST" I call up the stairs. I wait to hear if i can hear anything "TYLER. GET UP. WE HAVE SCHOOL." I hear footsteps come down. "Hey. I made egg-"

"I don't want." Tyler grabs and apple and walks out the house. 

He's been like this since i found out he does drugs. He used to go out, drink and take substances. I found out because i came home one day after work at the grille to see him laying on the floor. After he overdosed on oxy. It was scary. So i've been strict on him. I watch what he does, Where he goes. Who he hangs out with. He won't see anyone to help him. I keep pushing him but maybe pushing him is what's making him rebel. My phone vibrates. I look to see a text from Spencer. 

'Emily lost the tapes.' Shit. Aria, Emily, Hanna, Spencer and i aren't allowed to see each other. This therapist we've been seeing told their parents we couldn't. So they are forced to follow the rules. But seeing as my guardian up and left a year ago, i don't. 


Us girls are standing in the lunch line trying to be as casual as possible. I may not need to listen but the girls do. So i'll respect it. 

"So the videos are gone?" Aria says

"Totally gone" Emily replies

"That was our only evidence"

"Well we don't have it anymore"

"Of course we don't" I mumble

"Has Ian sent Melissa any more messages?" Hanna asks Spencer

"I don't know. She's not leaving her phone sitting around"

"What about Jason? Why is he back? And what is he doing in that house?" Emily asks Spencer

"Maybe he's looking for closure or something"

"Yeah but that house is creepy, He could have stayed in a hotel or something." I say reaching for a salad bowl

"Okay, new rule, no one can say the word 'closure', ever." Hanna says

We go to sit down, separately when Hanna sits next to Aria.

"Han" I say

"What?" She replies

"I don't think we should sit together" Spence says

"We always sit together" 

"We need to look like we're going along with this" Spencer adds

"No, looking like we are going along with this is going along with this. It looks like we're wrong and we're not wrong, We're right." 

"Are we? We don't even really know what happened." Aria says

"How can we be sure if we're even right?" Emily adds

"Sounds like an even more reason to stick together. Especially if we're right and Ian is still breathing." I add. 

After a moment we all walk away from each other to eat our lunch.


"Tyler" I yell as i enter the house. He doesn't reply but i hear him in his room playing video games. I walk in "Hey, I have work in a bit but wanted to see if you want lunch" 

"I'm not hungry" 


"Get out of my room." 


"Get. Out" He says not even looking at me. 

"Okay" I whisper. I shut the door and lean against the wall next to it. I close my eyes and take a breath. He's just struggling. I need to do what i can to help him but it's hard. I don't know how to. 

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