Chapter Five

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I'm sitting in the cafeteria drinking my coffee smiling as i think about last night when Emily comes over "why aren't you answering your phone? i've been trying to reach you all night"

"Sorry, it ran out of charge and i haven't had time to recharge it."

"I need to talk to you about Jason" She says

"What about Jason?" I ask. Trying to decide if i want to tell them or not about last night. 

"Jason has creepy pictures of you"

"What?" I ask as i sit up properly "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Spencer and i found a darkroom in his woodshed, he developed photographs of you sleeping"


"Sleeping or drugged" Emily says. Suddenly last night becomes more creepy

"Okay, well i'm officially terrified"

"Good, well its about time, and for the record, i never believed Jason's whole act, pretending to be concerned about at risk youth, helping your brother to get to you" Spencer says as she sits down

"Hold on, he really helped Tyler"

"So he could get in your house" Spencer says

"Oh shit" i mumble

"Oh shit?" Spencer repeats

"We kissed, last night" 

"Wait what?" Spencer exclaims. "You're kissing him now?"

"He kissed me" I say before i add defeatedly "Then i kissed him back"

"Blair, he's dangerous" Spencer says

"Fine, fine. I gotta go" i say as i get up and walk away. Now i have to stay away from the only person i've come to trust recently.


I'm walking through school when i see Jason. I stand for a little too long not knowing whether to run or not when he sees me. Okay, guess i'll just ask him. 

I walk over to him "Can i talk to you?" I ask as he smiles at me, probably remembering last night.

"Yeah" he says "We should talk about last-" i cut him off

"Why do you have those pictures of me?" I watch as he smile fades.

"What?" He asks

"My friends said they found pictures that you took of me sleeping. How did you even take them? Do you like climb a ladder up to my window?"

"Wait, hold up. Your friends are the ones who broke into my darkroom?"

"So what, point is they found those photos, photos you didn't want found"

Jason walks around me and i turn my body to follow him "Man, i swear this town never changes. People would rather sneak behind your back rather than ask you a direct question" 

"I'm asking you. I'm asking you right now Jason, when did you take them and why?"

"I didn't. Ali did" He says 

"Why would Ali take pictures of me sleeping?" I ask confused

"Got me, i don't know what goes on at slumber parties. Look i found a roll of film in her room and i developed it." 

"Okay, well why were all the pictures missing when my friends went back there" I ask realising we might have miss read what happened. " Spencer said the whole dark room was gone" 

"That equipment is expensive so i moved it into the house till i could get a new lock. And the prints were gone cause i was having them framed. As a gift. For you."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 18 ⏰

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