UA Hospital \\ ONE

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Author : ~♡

"Ah! Oh God what was that!?" A small green haired male in a white doctor's coat screamed as he jumped behind a taller blonde haired male also wearing a pure white doctor's coat.

"Deku what the fuck!? You can't seriously be scared of-"

"Of course I'm scared Kacchan! This is my first time down here! I don't like being down here you know this!" The green haired make exclaimed with burning cheeks and tearful eyes."Have you never seen horror movies of a hospital before Kacchan!?"

The blonde haired male rolled his cherry colored eyes as he stared down at his green haired companion with a incredulous look. "Of course I have, and they're all shit"

"Kacchan can't feel fear that's why he says that..." The green haired male mumbled softly with a soft pout and the blonde rolled his eyes again.

"I get scared nerd, just not over stupid shit like this"

"This isn't stupid Kacchan!" The greenett exclaimed with tears glittering on the corners of his wide forest green orbs. "Why did you even drag me down here in the first place?"

The blonde raised his brows at his companion before he sighed and ruffled the curly green locks. "I'm looking for the autopsy for one of the deceased patients that arrived yesterday, Aizawa has some feds that wants to take a look but that damn spark plug forgot them down here yesterday and now I have to look for them"

"Then why am I here?" The greenett asked the blonde while sniffling softly, his eyes widening considerably.

The blonde smirked as he leaned down and his grin widened. "Cause it's fun to tease you Lil' nerd"

The greenett glared at the blonde and slapped his muscled arm in annoyance.
"Kacchan is the worst!"

The blonde chuckled in amusement.
"Yeah, yeah...let's just look for the damn files"

The greenett huffed as he folded his arms in defiance. "No, Kacchan's gonna look for it by himself! I'm going back up..."

The blonde looked back at the greenett and grinned with a shrug. "Fine, walk back if you wanna...just don't mind the flickering lights and the abandoned E-floor on your way, I heard some nasty stories..."


"Okay, okay," The blonde said with a soft laugh. "just- if you do get back, just make sure you punch Sparky for me"

The greenett just huffed again before turning around and walking back towards the elevators.

He gulped silently when he lost sight of the blonde behind him and walked further down the halls towards the lone elevator they took to get here.

The goosebumps on his arms only multiplied as he shook and rubbed his arms. The lower levels were always the coldest sections in the hospital and now that he was on the one above the lowest it was absolutely freezing.

"Can't believe Kacchan actually got me to come here...I'll make him sorry..." The greenett mumbled before he giggled slightly. "I'll pour glitter bombs into his coat pockets and locker next time he decides to mess with me! Yeah! I'll do that, I'll show....him...."

His sentence slowly trailed off he as he caught sight of the elevator and his stomach dropped when he saw the hallways light flicker along with the elevators light. It was they were flickering in sinc.

It was like a scene from a horror movie...

The greenett slowly walked towards the elevator when the light directly above him started flickering making his squeak in fright. His heard was pounding hard and fast in his chest, bordering on painful.

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