UA Hospital// TWO

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Author : Hehe~♡

"Excuse me, but what?..." Katsuki asked incredulously as he stared at the sight before him.

His patient, a seventeen year old boy, was sitting on the hospital bed, teary eyed and trembling as he continuesly hissed and sobbed softly.

Another boy, eighteen year old, bright red with embarrassment, was standing next to the seventeen year old.

"You did what!?" Katsuki asked again as he rubbed at his temples.

" please help me! It was a mistake and I know that now" The seventeen year old sobbed softly, his chestnut eyes sparkling softly and pleadingly as he stared at Katsuki desperately.

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he got out the file, since they refused to verbally state their problems.

Katsuki's eyes widened. Holy Shit...
And he looked up at the kid who grimaced while looking down.

"Aren't you supposed to help him now?! You're a doctor right?" The eighteen year old snapped at Katsuki with narrowed eyes making Katsuki glare back at him.

The kid shrunk back and gulped audibly making Katsuki scoff. "Go stand outside boy, I need to discuss something with my patient"

The boy growled lowly before stomping out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

"Your boyfriend?" Katsuki asked his patient, Yoshida, Yoshida with a raised brow. Yoshida nodded with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry about him, he's not usually like that...he's just stressed about this situation" Yoshida said softly with his eyes sparkling and Katsuki was almost reminded of a certain green haired doctor running around in the hospital somewhere.

"Understandable..." Katsuki started while looking questioningly at Yoshida. "How did this even happen..?"

Yoshida blushed bright red as he looked down and fiddled wuth his fingers.

"W-Well...I went to this party-"

"Of course" Katsuki scoffed with an eye roll making Yoshida blush an even brighter red.

"Taishu didn't wanna go but...but my friend didn't wanna go alone so I went with her...She convinced me to drink some alcohol and...and we started playing spin the bottle with other people...t-the bottle landed on me and-..." Yoshida was resembling a tomato, if not a brighter red.

Katsuki was almost afraid of his health.

"...The boy dared me to...he said I am gay anyways so I should try to see how it feels...I was too drunk and people kept egging me on so I...I did...and it-"

"Now it's stuck...Jesus Christ Kid" Katsuki said with a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry!" Yoshida squeaked as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Fucking hell...Did you try to remove it yourself before coming to the hospital?" Katsuki grumbled quth a raised brow as his eyes skimmed over the file again.

Yoshida shook his head. "N-No! I was too afraid to complicate things more"

Katsuki nodded. Smart kid.

"That's perfect then, anything could have happened, you could have shoved it in deeper and that would make it even more difficult for us to take action...wouldn't wanna traumatize you with surgery at such a young age just yet"

Yoshida nodded, still bright red.

Katsuki snapped his file shut and reached for his pager, pressing a green button. "Alright kid, I'm not the guy for this but you are my patient, I've requested for the most suitable person for this"

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