21. leaving

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later i got the chance to have everyone with me i called for everyone to meet at the mccall house

"sar what is this what's up?"

"so a few hours ago i decided something"

"what?" scott said confused

"well you guys don't really need me or isaac and i'm dealing with being back from the dead"

"Sarah what's going on?"

"i decided to leave beacon hills"

"you what?" scott blurted "with theo we need all the help we can get"

"not our help you guys are going to do just fine with out us we're going to france for a bit and please don't try to argue i've made up my mind, i know a witch in mystic falls if you need help i'm sure she will just call stefan i left him number tell him sarah told you to call"

"sarah we can't do this without you guys"

"yes you can you've done great so far"

"great? the packs separated malia didn't show allison isn't here and stiles hates me"

"scott you are my big brother and you know i love you i wouldn't leave you here unless i knew you could handle
it and i just got back id only get in the way"

"so you're really leaving? are you coming back?" stiles asked walking over to me

"probably i might but i just can't be here and i can't go back to mystic falls and isaac is gonna help me with a couple things"

"are you sure you wanna do this?"

"yes uhm i have to go we have to go" i smiled "i love all of you" i smiled with tears on my cheek

"we love you too" allison walking in

"ali" i hugged her "i'm glad you're here"

"i am too" malia walked in too

i let out a small giggle "we have five minutes so i have to go" i paused "group huh?"

everyone laughed and nodded

"i don't really hug" malia said in the back

i pulled her close to me and hugged her as everyone else joined in

"im really going to miss you guys"

"you too"

"we'll miss you to" lydia corrected

i let out a laugh and grabbed my bag walking outside isaac waiting for me i grabbed his hand, and waved bye to everyone and took off.


A/N: i really apologize with how bad of an ending this is *crying* but thanks for all the support on it even with how bad it was, and sloppy the ending is and it don't make too much sense but whatever it's a draft from months ago and i didn't really edit it much :)

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