Chapter 8: Dominating

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"I'm bad with words, I hope you're good in reading eyes."


It's only a been week since my wedding and it almost felt like eternity. My daily routine felt like a punishment itself, home to office, office to home completely exhausted and gone to sleep. I couldn't make any time for myself. Aditya made me work during weekends too and not to mention his childish punishments and humiliation every now and then.

The hell torture starts from opening my eyes, starting with preparing my own breakfast, lunch and dinner which seems pretty normal to me as back in my house my aunt made me do all the things. At office Aditya made me do all the task which I'm unable to do without any assistance as I'm not familiar with all the stuffs, as a trainee it's impossible to handle such difficult job. However he ordered me to accompanied him in every important meeting with the clients and every dealing with other companies just to keep an eye on me. Then after every dealing he made me submit all the reports regards those meetings, like dude isn't it the job of your secretary?

But I'm in no position to deny him so I do my best not to mess up things, but as lack of experience I do mistakes every now and then, and that give him the chance to humiliate and insult me infront of everyone, and as if it is not enough he put me under the guidance of his secretary miss Julie.

And after a horrible day at office when I came back home where I suppose to find peace after all the exhaustion made me hate my life more. Onetime there is no food left, onetime the air conditioner in my room is not working, onetime all my clothes are wet left me in my work clothes whole night and onetime I have to spent all night in the lawn as he locked me outside because I came home late. Just how I hate life nowadays.

I haven't seen any of my family members and my friends since the wedding, however I talk to Maahi and uncle few times, grandma also called me once and Urvi bugged my phone with all her messages. I know they all wanted to see me as much as I do but Aditya made it very clear that without his permission I couldn't even blink my eyes, and he gives me no time to do otherwise. It felt like he always breathing on my neck, ready to snap at me when I made any slightest mistake. I missed my old life terribly, my home, my college, my studies, my old part time job everything, even the taunting and bickering of my aunt.

However Maria proved to be a good company and a guardian for me, she care for me like her own child, make sure I eat properly and being hydrated. She feared Aditya very much because her job is at stake but despite that she helps me in the house chores and preparing my meals. I told her many times not to risk her job for me but her nature is such that she can't sit and watch me in trouble.

And in office I made a few friends as well, however most of them are not so helping or considerate in nature but still somehow their company made me forget about my pathetic situation for sometimes. I thought Rohan would be a helpful companion in need but most of his work is outside the office and I barely see him here.

The lunch time came fast and Mayank asked me to come with him in the office canteen. I agreed gladly, this is perfect scope for me to come to know more about my colleagues. But before we got out off the floor Julie come to me and said Mr. Oberoi called me in his office. I internally rolled my eyes, knows he is doing it on purpose, he is very well known that I haven't had my breakfast as I woke up late today and now he is prohibiting me to take my lunch too. I said to Mayank to go by himself, I'll join him after I finished with Mr. Oberoi, which I'm sure not possible.

I came to his office and knocked at the wooden door twice.

"Come in." Hearing his stern voice I entered and found him lost in stack of papers. I stand there without saying any words as I was told before and let him finish whatever he is doing. I found myself gawking at his book selves at one side of wall and also the details in his office.

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