Chapter 12 : Guilt

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"I want the side of you that you don't show to anyone else."


I woke up early today because I know Maria is not around and I have to do her works instead. After taking shower quickly I headed downstairs to make breakfast. My eyes caught the all set untouched dinner from last night and I  felt a constrict in my heart as memories from last night started to flash in my mind. Last night I cried untill my eyes gave up to sleep. Dealing with Adi is like I mentally torture myself, and understand him is like an impossible task.

I sighed and cleared the table quickly. It pained me to dump all the food from last night just because someone decided to being an asshole like always. I got a little worried about his health though, he had a very high fever last night and skipping dinner surely made it worse.

I remember he told me last night that he'll not eat anything I made, although it pained me more than I thought but I decided to make breakfast for him. Because honestly it sounds so stupid to me, we're not teenagers that letting our frustration out in food. He wants to act like a child so be it but I choose to be sensible here and so I'll do what I needed to do.

I quickly prepared a simple breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs, and add some fruits and juice to complete it. I know the first thing Adi needed after waking up is his morning coffee. So I made that too and arrange all that in a tray and placed it in the table.

I'm a bit hesitant to take the breakfast in his room as he clearly told me not to ever enter there, so I decided to leave that outside his bedroom. I placed the tray in that small trolley which is generally used for carrying drinks, and strolled it to his room.

I took a deep sigh and softly knocked on his door, well aware that he might not be awake till now. As expected there is no response from inside so I spoke getting closer to the door.

"I've made breakfast and left it here, please eat it. You can get angry at me all you want but please be reasonable and take care of your health first." I said, distress is audible in my voice. Despite his hateful behaviour towards me I'm worried sick for him. I felt a strange restlessness about this whole situation, he is sick and I couldn't do anything about it, because he won't let me. It made me feel so helpless and unworthy.

I didn't heard anything from inside. I sighed again and dragged my feet towards the kitchen. I just hope he let his ego aside and behave like an adult right now. It's still early so I think I could do all the chores in time before going to office. I have my breakfast and washed all the dishes, packed dadi's lunch along with mine. Thanks to Maria I didn't have to clean the whole house, she did an excellent job to keep the house spotless and shining.

Upon thinking about Maria I called her and asked about her son. She assured me that he is out of danger now but some of his ribs are damaged and his left leg is broken. I said her not to worry much and take good care of him. She is generous enough to ask me if I'm okay and wanted to know how Adi reacted. I told her just the opposite of what actually happened, I said Adi didn't get angry a bit after knowing the whole situation and also offered his commiseration.

I went to my room to get ready for office. I got a text from Julie, which is basically a list of supplies I need to arrange for the conference held in our company with some of our main investors today. She didn't give me detailed information about that sudden meeting but I guess something big had happened. Today is going to be hectic and slightest mistake would lead to a huge damage to the stakes of Paramount. I hurriedly get out of my room after packing all my necessary stuffs and booked a cab in my way out.

My eyes fall on the trolley full of breakfast I've left almost one and half hour ago is still on the same position,  untouched. I frowned slightly, Adi is possibly not sleeping till now, would he? It's so unlikely of him. I thought he already have left for office as he needs to prepare for this huge conference.

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