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Andromeda may not be able to hear, but she can see and smell the noxious gas, the byproduct of a product being burned. When she turned around to see what had happend, she witness a sightworth a thousand paintings.

Isabella had found the picture of Andromeda and her adoptive parents, a photo which was an original, and held a lighter to it.

"If she wants to be with Charlie, she can give this up. Give all of it up because she'll never be allowed to see him again after this," Bella sneered out loud as the fire crackled and destroyed Andromeda's copy of her family.

All the vampire could do was stare. Stare into the furious eyes of a sister who wanted her gone from her life. And to think Andromeda used to have some hope that maybe, just maybe, she'd have a biological sibling who wanted her. Wanted to do things that siblings did. Go to the park and help each other out with whatever they were doing. Andromeda was willing to drop so much time for that chance.

But Bella wasn't a sister. Bella acted like a paranoid parasite ready to latch onto anything good she could get and ruin it.

"Let it burn." Her voice was shaky. She didn't pronounce the syllables quite right, being so angry that her hands clenched until if she were a human she'd be bleeding.

"You don't even care?" Bella felt anger rise further in her chest. How dare she not care about a family photo. "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THIS, DO YOU? YOU USELESS LITTLE THING!"

Jacob was frozen, deathly silent as he watched the two of them have it out with each other. He was worried about his imprint, his true mate who could be badly burned by fire.

"Get out," Andromeda whispered. "Or by the Gods I'll burn you alive. Get out and don't let me see you again."

"YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT ME! I LIVE HERE! I LIVE HERE AND YOU DON'T!" Bella screeched at the top of her lungs.

So loud that Jacob's father and sisters who had come over to visit immediately after hearing the news of Jacob's imprint would hear the noises coming from up above. Jacob's oldest sister, Rebecca, who had been kind enough as to let Andromeda borrow some paints and an easel, offered to go up and check on what was going on.

"Girl, what is up with all of this screaming?" She asked. "My twin doesn't like loud noises. Unless you're dying, shut up."

Bella's face turned bright red at the scolding, a contrast to her sister's pale beauty and calm.

"WELL MY TWIN-" she was cut off.

"Calm the fuck down before Rachel comes in here to cut your tits off herseld. Frankly, I don't care what your twin did. If your twin is Andromeda, that's my new sister too. And I would like to meet her in damn peace. If you can't behave like an adult, you can go back home. I don't even know how you got in here," Rebecca said, annoyed at the disturbances in the house.

The roaring hiss of the fire had died down and now was only left with the ashes, the remains of what was. Andromeda would never forget that picture, and now she wished she'd never been so naïve as to think it would be any good bringing it in the first place. Mamá and Papá belong in Volterra.

"Do you want to go downstairs, Andromeda?" Jacob signed over to his imprint, who could barely believe that this happened.

The shock of it all hurt. It terrorized everything she knew and loved about when she was human. She forgot how fleeting it is. Andromeda wishes she brought Charlie to Volterra, where Bella wouldn't have been able to interfere. They aren't children anymore.

Maybe she would bring Charlie to Volterra to meet her family now that Bella has proven herself to be dangerous. She needed to ask Papá and Mamá what they would do if they were in her shoes. Or her uncles, or the twins. Or anyone who had any experience with pesky humans who want to destroy their bonds.

"I need to message my adoptive father. Bella is on the verge of wanting to expose me. I need to be away from her," Andromeda explained to her mate. "Bella is angry, and when people are angry like this they do and say things that they shouldn't. Your family may know of shifters and vampires, but the chief doesn't. I can't let Bella give him the death sentence out of spite."

When she finished, Andromeda moved as fast as she could past Bella.

Andromeda swore to herself that if she had to see her again, she'd kill Bella herself.


PACKING UP WHEN ONE HAS ONLY JUST COME IS ALWAYS HARD. Andromeda wishes that she could stay for longer, that she could have at least a few normal days with her mate, but it wasn't meant to be. The princess knew that she didn't lie and she would really kill Bella if she saw her again.

"I wish you would have been able to stay for a while longer, Andromeda," Charlie signed and then embraced his immortal child. Charlie knew that she had to go back. With Bella in the house, the town of Forks wouldn't be safe.

It didn't help that Bella had sent him an angry voicemail that she was going to live with her mother again, that she wasn't taking anything with her. Charlie was now losing both of his children because of the actions of Bella. Why couldn't he just have something?

"I still want you to come to Volterra soon," Andromeda signed when they finally broke apart. "I want you to get to see my adoptive parents. They've said you can visit at any time already."

"When I talk with everyone at the station I'll see if I can get them to take it over for me." Charlie's heart wasn't into the job anymore. Not since he had something worth more than it. He would drop it so he could visit. "You know you have my number. Call anytime."

"You'll always be in my heart, father."


Dear Papá,

I know that I don't usually text you this long of things, so know that I have done all that I can and have made peace with as much as possible.

I've come across my father and my twin sister. It is not my father who I have had issue with, it is Isabella Swan. It has come to my attention that not only did she know about vampires, she knows about the Volturi. She was in a relationship with a vampire by the name of Edward Cullen, Carlisle's son.

She hates me more than I think you've hated someone before. My sister destroyed the original picture of you, mamá and I in the tower from when I was little. She found a lighter and burned it in front of me.

Being in a place with such a spiteful person has grown too much to bear. I am going to speak with my biological father about meeting me in Volterra soon. He has been nothing but kind and welcoming, learning sign language for me before I came. I want you to know he is the same man you spoke with on the phone before I came.

While this is something I should tell you in person, due to the circumstances I must tell you through text: I have found my mate in Forks, one of the young men on the local reservations. He is not human, nor is he a vampire. His species is not the same as the children of the moon, but he can shapeshift into a large wolf at will. I know you will adore him when he comes home with me. He has decided that I come first, and therefore he will be coming back to live with me in Volterra until further notice.

I love you, I've missed you. I look forward to seeing you in a few days.


REMINDER: if you comment anything about "please update" or "update" or "update please" or literally anything like that, the update gets pushed further and further back. You're ruining it for everyone and me.

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