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Every child on the street, native to the growing city or not, was excited for the excuse to get out of school and have fun with their friends. Teenagers got some volunteer hours that would boost their ability to get a head start in life and parents congregated by shops where their little ones wanted to buy things. All was well.

For everyone, at least, except for a young man named Edward Cullen, who had decided that Bella deserved to be human. Bella, who had been his girlfriend, the self-determined love of his life, needed to preserve her humanity, even if she didn't want to.

He'd snuck out from the house while others were on a hunt in order to take a plane over to Italy. It had been packed, but he managed to not harm anyone on it. Edward hated the way that people stared at him, about their thoughts. He didn't want to know what people were doing. Most people coming to Italy during that weekend were there for the parade, which Edward knew the Volturi put on.

It was only purposeful then that Edward would die by the hands of the Volturi. Despite his clear hatred for the men at the top of the chain, particularly the collector Aro Volturi, he knew this was the only legal way he could die. He had to be ripped apart, his head torn straight from his shoulders. Edward wondered what it would be like to have his head thrown into the fire. Would the veins in his head explode from the sheer force of the flames? Or would it simply burn like it had when he was turned in his youth?

He never gave anyone the chance to talk him out of it. Why should he? Edward was convinced that without Bella, he would never want to live. His life as a vampire was horrible enough, wanting to kill and drain humans of their life force without being given the express permission to by his conscience, by his soul.

It was a tragedy, sure, losing him. Edward shook his head, he had to be kidding himself. This was the scariest plan he'd come up with. The threat of killing himself was perhaps the only thing that could keep Bella alive. If he was alive, she had a chance. A chance of living forever, something Edward just couldn't allow.

He was despair and Bella couldn't be. In his own twisted mind, this was the only way. Which was why he went into the castle at around noon, meeting the guards at the gate. Demetri and Felix were a powerful pair, able to track and kill anyone they wanted to. Edward thought it was a shame that they had no freedom, yet he thought it would be shameful to want that freedom.

Freedom, it wasn't holy but rather demonic.

Edward was led into the throne room without a word, which meant everyone was home. Nobody was out in the seas of red, in the seas of children and adults alike celebrating a farce. Edward frowned. They were so naive. He remembered being that way in his youth.

Delusional. Vampires could never be eradicated. Aro, Caius, and Marcus were on their thrones. Edward knew now that Bella had a sister that had something to do with these men, with the Volturi. Carlisle wasn't responsive and didn't have a clue when Edward mentioned it before his departure for Volterra. Nevertheless, Edward watched these three men who had held all of the power in the vampire world for centuries, for over a thousand years.

Like a robot, Aro walked towards Edward, who held out his hand towards him.

"You want to die?" Aro questioned, "For a human girl to stay mortal?"

"Who is this human woman, brother? What is her name?" Caius asked absentmindedly, not having looked at the man in front of him. "We will have to kill her if she knows."

"Her name is Isabella Swan," Aro seethed, his hand being removed from Edward's. "The Cullens have indeed been on our radar since sweet Andromeda came home with tales of a twin who knew the secret."

Edward gulped, realizing that they did know. They knew, of course Aro would see his time with Bella, but they knew more than he'd expected. An outside source, his memories were not their only input into Bella Swan.

Caius' eyes were on Edward in a matter of seconds. The older vampire sneered with hatred at him. He was often angry, everyone said that, but this was something more, like the mention of Bella was a trigger to a new kind of upset within him.

"Quella ragazza," Caius sneered. That girl. "She has no good in her heart. No good soul inside of her. What a hollow and frighteningly stupid young woman. It is only a shame she had to be related to her. Do we know where she is? Perhaps we can keep this idiot here until his family comes and gets him, so they can explain themselves."

Caius was often known as the pure hammer of justice behind the Volturi. Where Aro went soft, Caius did not. He held no love for any other than his mate, or so Edward thought. A daughter, an adopted one, a vampire. The twin of his human lover, who had been recently introduced to Bella.

Edward wanted the unattainable human sister of a princess. A woman who in his eyes could not be trusted to make the decision of becoming a vampire. She was so young, so naive, so trusting of a monster like him. He wanted her blood, he wanted her heart, he wanted every part of her selfishly and wholly.

"He wants to die, Caius," Aro said as he turned towards his elder king. "He wishes to die in this chamber, by our hands. He thinks it is the only way for her to remain a human and live a normal life."

"How ridiculous!" Caius spat. "Bella damned herself, damned his family the second she found out and was not immediately killed or turned! She will not be turned until there is a proper trial for her acts in Forks, on the attempted murder of your niece!"

Edward had bitten off more than he could chew with these men, who were now attempting to convince one another of their ideas.

"This is true, however, the human is more of a threat now that she is in her mother's custody. She is over legal age, she could see a therapist and spread the secret more. I doubt there is much need for a trial now that we have the proper evidence. A trial of the Cullens, sure, but of Isabella? Unneeded, the guard can be dispatched to dispose of her."

Aro reasoned for murder, which he rarely did publically.

"Fuck that! I want her here to speak for herself! After what she said to Andromeda, what she did to her. She knew that fire would burn her, yet she brought it so close to her! She has mocked, belittled, and shamed my daughter for her deafness despite it being wholly unimportant to her character!" Caius had stood up and stared Edward right in the eyes. "Is this the woman you love? This woman who would speak to her own sister like that? To another person like that?"

"We aren't human. We aren't people," Edward gave as a weak defense.

"Oh that is a hunk of bullshit!" Marcus had gotten up to begin lazily holding his fellow king and brother back from attacking Edward where he stood. "My daughter is a person! She has always been a person! A girl with the sweetest smile and a better personality than the bitch you've been fucking around with. Who has gotten with a better man than you'll ever be. You've always been a pain in the ass, it's a wonder someone hasn't taken you out yet."

"That is enough, brother," Marcus said quietly, holding Caius back as he tried to break free. "We can confer tomorrow."

"He will not be in this castle! I will not allow it!" Caius snapped. "He wants to die? Let him. Let me tear his head off and burn it. I'll send the ashes to his little human woman, show her that the Volturi will have her head next for attacking my little girl."

"We are not to be cruel, Caius," Aro said with a typical sternness.

"She has committed treason, I do not care about being cruel. I will always be cruel. It is the only thing I am the best at. The Volturi do not give second chances. I will never forgive that girl for attacking my daughter, who had been nothing but kind to her. To attempt to slay one's kin is the highest of offenses, it always has been. Even to humanity, that is taboo. She will be killed, and I swear to you, Aro, it will be by my hands."

❝...❞, Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now