Chapter 14

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Not the 8th where I am, but in Tonga, which is 17 hours ahead of my city, it is.

If you didn't see in my page, it's been one year since I first posted this! Thank you all for sticking with it for so long haha. <3

Eri shivers. She'd made a mistake in training and now her blankets were all gone. She misses her blankets. There's nowhere to hide from the dark now.

But she was resolute, she refused to cry.

The sole window in her room that was too high for anyone without a height Quirk to reach rattles ominously and she reaches for cover that isn't there.

The window makes a sizzling noise and there's a little red glow outside. Eri always wondered what was out there. She's only been outside a few times, but that was only to a yard that was connected to the building or for jobs that required her to leave.

The window opens and Eri scrambles out of her bed. Should she hide? She could probably fit under her bed, right? She's gotten under there before....

A figure jumps in through the window and she's about to scream, but a clothed hand covers her mouth.

"What the fuck?" The figure mutters. It sounds like a boy not much older than her. In any case, he's certainly not as tall as most of the adults she's met. The boy removes his hand from over her mouth and she breathes a sigh of relief.

She figures if the boy was going to hurt her, then he would've already, but she hesitantly asks anyway. "A-are you going to hurt me?"

"What?" The boy scoffs. "No. I don't have time for that."

Eri nods, satisfied. Time is a very powerful motivator, so she believes him.

"Are you a hero?" She wonders.

"No." The boy sounds annoyed. Eri takes a subconscious step back. "Do you know anyone named "Eri?""

Eri frowns. "I'm Eri." She points to herself even though it's dark.


Eri stares at him confusedly.

"Shit." He says.


Of all the things Sasuke was expecting, it wasn't that "Eri" would be a child. A 6 year old, from the looks of it. A very malnourished 6 year old.

Sasuke had been working up to this break-in for a week non-stop. He'd spent hours each day on the streets gaining as much information about the Shie Hassaikai Group and determined two things.

First, there wasn't any way to contact Eri without having a lot of money to "rent" her. The Shie Hassaikai Group was trying to re-establish themselves as a prominent yakuza group and to do that, they needed money. Money Sasuke didn't have and didn't really feel like getting unless it was absolutely necessary.

Plus, Sasuke wasn't even sure if they'd accept obviously stolen money, since they were trying to pretend that they were a legal business.

Second, the Shie Hassaikai Group was very strict with the information they let circulate about them. It was just enough so that people who could afford their services would be aware of them, but anyone else was shit out of luck.

He hasn't shown up at Yuuei since he met All for One last. A missing persons report was sent out for him, he's seen some posters around for him but he hadn't bothered to really read one. He's been on enough wanted posters in his life that he gets the gist of it.

It's not even a nice looking poster either. It's just got the photo he had to take for his ID on it and some numbers to call if anyone sees him. They could've put more effort in.

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