Chapter 30

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Me when I don't have a chapter ready bc I didn't write one: *surprised pikachu face*

"As you haven't been here for a large portion of the year, I'd like you to take this test to ensure that you're caught up with your classmates. You have the whole day to go through it, skip anything you don't know and there will be a break at lunch.

"Your guardians have set up an appointment with Hound Dog for you to discuss making up for the missed internship, if you so wish, and provisional licensing." Nezu continues when Sasuke nods. "Your time starts now. Please begin your assessment."

Sasuke flips through the packet. It's history first, then it moves to the other core subject each few pages. It looks like stuff Sasuke knows so it shouldn't be too difficult, though his grasp of the history in this world isn't what it probably should be.

He breezes through most of the packet and doesn't bother putting effort into making it look like he's struggling. A good amount of it is stuff he's learned in his spare time, though some of the math and science questions are things he's researched relatively recently while attempting to gauge this world's knowledge on dimensional travel.

There are a lot of pages, is what he's realizing as he finishes page 10 and notices he's not halfway finished yet.

It takes him the better part of 2 and a half hours to make it through 20 out of 28 pages. It makes sense that it's long, Sasuke missed several months of schooling and hasn't been to their definition of a school... ever, so it's understandably intensive.

He stretches his hands and spends the next hour finishing the last 8 pages.

Nezu left some time ago to do whatever, and he returns just as Sasuke is on the second last question.

"Would you like to break for lunch?"

"No." Sasuke pauses and quickly amends, "No, thank you."

"Oh?" Nezu walks over to the couch Sasuke's sitting on and observes his test. "You're almost done?"

Sasuke shrugs and moves on to the final question. The last section of the test was on hero ethics, which might be the only part other than history that Sasuke could do poorly on.

He checks the time and writes down how long it took him to do the test before handing it to Nezu.

"How fascinating!" Nezu grins. "I had estimated you to take 5 hours to do the test but it appears I understated your abilities!"

Sasuke asks, because he's curious, "Is that the average time?"

"Oh, heavens no! Most students would've taken the full day!" Nezu takes a sip of his tea that Sasuke doesn't remember him having. "If I hadn't known of your circumstances, I would assume your Quirk was intelligence based!"

The delight in Nezu's eyes is gone in a blink and Sasuke shifts slightly, expecting a question.

"Do you do a lot of reading in your spare time?" Nezu wonders.

"I do." Sasuke replies honestly. Noting any miniscule changes in Nezu's body language. "Does that surprise you?"

"Not in the slightest! You're well adjusted to this world, which, I assume, is partially thanks to what you read."

Sasuke nods in acknowledgement and stands. Sometimes, talking with Nezu reminds Sasuke of talking to a Kage. It makes sense, though. Yuuei does a lot more than just teach kids and Nezu runs it all.

"Is the level of power you display casually customary for those from your dimension?" Nezu asks after a prolonged silence.

Sasuke considers lying but knows Nezu would see through him. "I am somewhat of an oddity amongst my peers."

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