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Seeing Draco again felt like a fever dream. It was over as soon as it started and by 4am Francesca was sleeping soundly.

She woke up at the sound of the alarm and three girls giggling and talking loudly.

"Fran, get up. You can't miss another class, the Death Eaters will start to catch on," Millicent said.

"Milli's right," Tracey said, pulling Francesca out of her bed. "Get dressed. We all have potions together."

Francesca groaned, walking over to the vanity to brush her hair. "I'd much rather sleep than listen to the bullshit their feeding us," Francesca said.

"Me too... also, where did you sneak off to last night?" Daphne asked. "You we're gone for hours."

"You were awake?" Francesca asked.

"Insomnia Fran, I barely sleep," Daphne shrugged.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone," Francesca said. The girls all nodded. "Draco came to see me."

"Draco was here?" Tracey asked. Francesca nodded as Millicent and Daphne gasped. "He didn't even come see us? His friends of 7 bloody years!" Tracey yelled.

"Oh shush Tracey," Daphne said.

"Sorry Fran, I just didn't think i'd actually miss not having Draco around," Tracey shrugged.

"That's so sweet. He's still trying with you," Millicent smiled.

"Yeah, I guess. I feel like it's a lost cause," Francesca shrugged. "I love him so much but it's never going to work out. At least not until this war is over," Francesca sighed.

"Fran... you should know something," Daphne said, looking down at her feet. Francesca furrowed her eyebrows as she sat down on her bed to slip into her shoes.

"What?" She asked.

"My family and the Malfoy's have been trying to set Draco up with Astoria," Daphne said.

"Your little sister?" Francesca said in disbelief.

Daphne nodded. "Astoria feels like she's on top of the world, Draco doesn't seem to happy about it. In fact he's told his parents multiple times that there's another girl, they won't listen," Daphne said.

"The Malfoy's spent a lot of time at my house over the Summer," Daphne said.

"It's true, I was there," Tracey nodded.

Francesca furrowed her eyebrows. "Why are they trying to control who he dates?"

"Who he marries, Fran," Daphne said.

Francesca sighed, shaking her head. "I'm not surprised," Francesca said. "I told you that me and Draco are a lost cause."

Daphne frowned, hugging her friend.

Francesca walked to class with her friends, Alecto Carrow, a Death Eater, one of the worst at Hogwarts, didn't seem to notice, or maybe care, that Francesca and Pansy had skipped three days of classes.

Francesca sat thinking about what Daphne had told her this morning all day. It plagued her mind. Thinking about Draco with another girl made her see red. Even if Draco didn't want to be with Astoria it still pissed her off.

Francesca just hoped that Draco's love for her was strong enough to finally make him stand up to his parents.

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