5.His sleeping beauty

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Hurt the devil, you pay with your life,
Hurt his queen, you wish for death.


At College -

I looked at the professor sleepily while he is lecturing about the assignment we have to plan, I wasn't able to sleep last night knowing someone could break into my home, his words haunted me.

I can't seem to get those words out of my head, tap on my shoulder made me turn my head "Isn't his lessons boring?" Noah whispered in my ear, the only reason he will show interest to talk to girls is to fuck, Ignoring him, I, try to pay attention in class.

Soon the time passed and the classes ended, washing my face, I saw the water removing dirt from my face, can it remove my doubts too? suddenly the door of the washroom opened.

"Noah, what are you doing here? "

"Should we learn something together?" he walked towards me with a smug look on his face making me take a step back. "Fuck off Noah," I said and stepped aside to get out of the washroom.

His hand grabbed my arm tightly, swiftly pushing me to the wall my head collided harshly making me groan in pain as everything blurred for a second "What is your problem, Idiot?"

He leans close making me feel his disgusting breath on my skin "You are the problem, Rose."

"I can't seem to get you out of my mind, I wonder how your lips taste. "His fingers reach out to caress me but I swat his hand away.

"Let me go." I struggled and slapped him on his face, his knuckles held tight, as his face turned to the side, his lust-filled eyes turned into rage.

I tried to move out of his way when he slammed me against the wall again, "Who do you think you are? You, dare to slap me bitch."

"Do you think you are precious daddy's princess?"

"Wait, how can you be? After all, they are dead."

"You murderer, acting innocent but in reality killed her parents. "He said while holding my arms tightly bruising me, I feel so angry at his words I pushed him off me with all of my strength.

" Stay away from me." I ran away from him, tears spilling out of my eyes, his words making me burn. I feel shaken up about what happened to my parents, why do people blame it on me?

Why can't I find anything about my past?

I feel frustrated and helpless, I don't even know what exactly happened except the fire in the house that led to their death.

Reaching my home, My head leans against the door, as I take deep breaths, my phone rings "Hello."

"Rose, how are you? I missed you." Her voice instantly makes me feel better, there is nothing like family, the only sense of peace in the bittersweet world.

I can't comprehend how people must cope when the abuse comes from their most loved ones or the ones that are supposed to cherish them. " I missed you too." My voice comes out tired and raspy.

"You don't seem okay." Nichole, my sister speaks out.

"Oh, it's just I feel tired" I replied pouring a glass of water.

"Can I ask you something ?" I continue as I leave my bag on the table, and lay on my bed.

"Yeah, of course, Rose."

"There must be something you know about our parent's death, Please tell me anything you know," I asked desperately the same question again hoping this time the answer might be different.

"Rose why do we always have to talk about this," She said irritation in her voice evident, "How many times do I have to tell you it was an accident they died as fire consumed their body."

"You are thinking too much, Rose Let the past go it will only give you pain-" I cut the call before I could hear more, tears of frustration spill out of my eyes as people blame me for what I never did.

Why does everyone think I killed my parents?

With watery eyes I looked In the mirror, I could never be that cruel person to kill someone. People's loss of memory doesn't change their hearts, "Let it go." I chuckled.

I lay on my bed staring at the wall as thoughts infiltrated me, How can I let it go, How can I let go of my past, If it haunts my present, my future? Soon everything seems blurred as I fall into dreamland where everything fades away

Third-person POV.

3.00 am

Nothing can be heard in the silence of the night, her body curled in the blankets, lost in the dreams.

Someone opened the door slowly with the key, Removing his shoes he walked to her room, slowly opening the door to not wake her up, he stood still, his possessive gaze on her wishing his arms could be there instead of a blanket.

He leaned close, his fingers gracing her face to push her hair behind the ear.

Caressing her cheek with the back of his palm, he noticed the bruises on her hand a dark glint in his eyes as rage overtook him, his mind consumed with anger too destructive to rip off the hands who dared to hurt her.

Slowly, he opened the ointment and applied it on her skin gently "I promise you, Rose, whoever gives you these bruises will pay for it. "

"No one can hurt you and get to live peacefully, you don't know how much I have waited for you." A moan leaves past her lips, as his fingers caressed the bluish bruise on her waist.

"But you are here now in my sight, I won't let you go ever."

He kissed her cheeks whispering, "You are mine You belong to me, always have been, Forever."


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