10. In his arms

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His demons soothed having her in his arms.


Checking all the documents, I find no clue nothing seems suspicious of my parents' death, even Nichole doesn't agree with me but maybe If I show her the letter I found, she will understand that I was right.

Whenever I talk to her, she somehow always sidetrack the conversation, maybe I should just meet her.

Taking out my phone, I type Where are you ? I miss you.

Her reply came almost instantly, What a coincidence I was thinking about you, I am near your home ,rose. Should we meet at the usual place?

Sure, I will be there in 5 mins. I replied, taking my jacket and keys I locked the door to reach the cafe at walking distance.

"I think you forget your big sis," Entering the cafe, her arms wrapped around me, instinctively my eyes closed in relief.

"It' s not like that, it's just college has been stressful lately, you know it's been three years since my accident I still don't remember anything," we sat ordering black coffee.

"Doctors said they don't know if you will be able to get your memory back or not there is no guarantee. "her hands reached out to mine, "You are taking your meds right it might help, "her eyes turned to worry as her hand squeezed mine.

"Yea how can I forget your late night texts always reminds me. "I pulled her cheeks knowing how much she dislikes it, yet it feels nice to annoy her.

"Rose, I care about you, you don't need to take any unnecessary stress."  she says out of the blue, maybe she saw it in my eyes, I could never hide anything from her, she would read me like a book, and the emotions, I hide.

"I know, Nichole you are my only family. " As we drink the coffee, I thought about telling her about the letter, "I found a letter when I went to the home we used to live before."

She stopped sipping her coffee, her expression turned serious "Rose how many times..."I cut her off "Listen to me first Nichole the letter confirmed my doubts it said someone schemed our parents to die, " I said trying to convince her.

"Who was it from?" she questioned, "I don't know there was no name on it."

"So, what are you going to do about it rose, "her voice turned harsh and loud rendering me speechless and confused, "I mean it's not like we can get them back," her voice lowered realizing that she grabbed the attention of almost everyone in the cafe.

"But the killer is still out there, "I whispered grabbing her hand.

 "Look, rose we will talk about this later. We don't even know if the person who wrote this letter is saying the truth."

"Why do you never trust me? "I said annoyed as tears glistened in my eyes "Because I still have my memories, Rose it was In front of my eyes the house set on fire and, I couldn't do anything about it,  I saw them die with my own eyes." Tears leak out of her eyes as if it pained her physically to even think about that day.

"Why do people blame me that I killed my parents? remember after the accident when we went to the back home,  the neighbors accused me for their death." My voice came out barely as a whisper, it ached to see  tears spill out of her eyes.

"Cause they can't stand our family and they hated you." She stood up leaving some bills from her purse on the table and walked away, Why is she being so rude?

 What's the matter with her, every time when it comes to our family, she always react like this?

Are you hiding something from me, Nichole?

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