Chapter 3 | Call me

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"I'm sooo ready to go home." Caroline yawns as she, Bella, and Nate make their way to the parking lot. The exhibition was over half an hour ago but they stayed to help the staff clean up.

"Can you drive babe? I don't want to be responsible for killing my best friend just because I fell asleep while driving."

"Sure." Bella takes the car keys from her and unlocks the car. " Ohh but I'm sure you wouldn't mind being responsible for my death." Nate rolls his eyes, getting a chuckle from Bella and a famous glare from Caroline.

"Of course I wouldn't."

Nate gasps at her words but pouts as he sits in the back seat. They all put their seatbelts on before Bella start driving.

"Can you help me get her to her room before I drive you to your dorm?" Bella whispers trying to not wake up Caroline while taking a right turn into their street. "Of course." Nate nods and gets out of the car when they arrive at their building.

He opens the door to the passenger's seat and unbuckles Caroline's seatbelt so he can lift her up in his arms. He may or may not have hit her head on the roof of the car purposely, getting her back for her hurtful words that he knows she said in a joke, but he still wants his revenge.

"Ouch! You ass-" The tired girl couldn't even finish her thought as she fell right back to sleep. She had a whole day of classes yesterday and had to finish a project today which didn't make it any easier for her, and plus working at the exhibition really took all her energy.

"I won't get offended because I do have a nice ass," Nate smirked making Bella giggle quietly as she opened their apartment door. He made his way towards Caroline's room when they entered, and put her down on her bed.

"Alright well, I'll see you shortcake tomorrow for lunch." He goes forward to kiss Bella on the cheek ignoring the narrowed eyes he always gets when he calls her that.

"Wait, I'll drive you." Bella grabs her keys again but Nate shakes his head. "You don't have to, I'll walk. It's close anyway." Nate says walking towards the door as she nods and hugs him goodbye.

Bella closes the door behind him as she wishes him good night before going to Caroline's room. Every Sunday they have lunch together, it's like their tradition, a little family time since they consider each other as more than just best friends.

Bella goes towards Caroline's closet to get her pj's. She takes off her heels and the clothes she wore for the exhibition. This is not strange for them. Every time one of them would fall asleep in their everyday clothes or when they would go out and one of them is tired to get changed, they would help each other.

She turns the lights off when she's done and closes the bedroom door before going to her own. Bella is also tired and just seconds away from her sleep, but a thought of a certain man, made her way into her mind making her stay awake a little longer.


"Alright class keep quiet, there are a few things I want to say to you." Mr. Riley stands in front of his desk clapping his hands to make his students pay attention.

"First of all, I got your projects here and I have to say I am surprised by how well all of you did. I will give them back to you at the end of the class." Mr. Riley makes a pause before continuing.

"Second, I was also surprised to see a lot of you at the exhibition on Saturday. Did you like it?" The students nod their heads as they answer with a 'yes' to his question. Mr. Riley smiles before he speaks again.

"I'm glad. I enjoyed it too and I'm happy to say that we have an opportunity to work with the artist who held his exhibition this weekend. He will be joining us today for this class to talk to you, give you some advice and maybe teach you a few things."

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