Chapter 9 | Skilful fingers

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"I can help with that."

Both of them freeze for a second, Bella questioning if she heard him right and him questioning why the hell he even said that. He goes to say something, anything just to not make her feel uncomfortable or weirded out but she is faster and says something that only messes his mind more.


Alexander just stands there for a moment not sure if she really said that or did he just imagined it because her voice is so soft and quiet. He looks at her for confirmation, just to be sure but when she gives him a nod he walks towards her and grabs the two straps that were in her hands.

He starts undoing it completely and Bella panics as the material opens and reveals her breasts just a bit, but she quickly puts her hands over the top so he doesn't see anything more.

"W-what are you doing?" She says barely above a whisper. The closeness and his fingers that are lightly brushing against her skin are making her shiver and feel nervous. She watches as he undoes the straps completely leaving the material barely holding it together.

"I'm fixing it." His deep husky voice that came out in a whisper only worsens her state and accelerates her heartbeat. She wants to look at him, to see if this somehow affects him too even though for him this might be a small stupid contact. But she can't bring herself to look anywhere except the ground and she thinks it's stupid that she even feels this way.

But little does she know this affects Alexander too, maybe even more than it does to her. Her skin is so soft and smooth under his fingertips, he loves the feeling of her skin so he does it as slowly as he can, just so they can stay in this little intimate contact a bit more.

He doesn't peek at her generous chest when the material pulls apart wanting to be respectful and not seem like a creep. So he instead watches her. Her eyes, that are everywhere but on him and he hates it, he wants her to look at him and see if her eyes hold the same storm that he's sure she could see in his if she only met his gaze.

Then her high cheekbones, which are covered in a light pink blush that only turns darker the longer they stay like this. And then his eyes fall on her soft red lips, red because of how hard she bites it out of nervousness. He wants to taste them, to taste her. He wants to see how would they feel against his own that he unconsciously licks every other second.

He needs to calm down. He can feel his raging heart beating strongly against his chest as if it would burst out any second. So he looks away and brings his focus on his fingers, wondering what is happening to him. He never felt like this in a presence of a woman, hell he can't even remember if he looked at one for more than five seconds.

But this one...this one little lady makes him feel all kinds of different things and that in such a short time of knowing each other. But even though he would want to hate it, to hate the state she puts him in, he can't seem to find a will to do it, and instead, he wants to be submerged by it.

"There. It's done." He ties the straps in a bow when he's done and reluctantly steps away, both not aware that they took in a deep breath when he did. She looks down to see that he fixed her top perfectly and then finally looks up at him

"Thank you."

He smiles when their eyes meet and turns to go take his camera so they can continue working, but his phone suddenly rings and makes him freeze in the spot. He doesn't want to answer the phone, knowing it will only bring bad news but he has to.

Bella noticed how he tensed up the second that phone ringed and he isn't much relaxed as he speaks, or rather listens to the person on the other line. The call doesn't last long but the silence still surrounds them even after he ended it.

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