22 - Lo

26 1 2

A/N - Sorry for the delay on updates on this book! I'll do better ❤️ 

I woke up completely rested and with a smile on my face I took a deep breath before stretching in the bed.

My eyes wandered through the room and I immediately noticed that Twelve was sitting completely focused on the screens at his desk. "Good morning."

He looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow "it's soon evening."

I moaned and sat up with a jerk "Really? Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you needed to sleep?" he replied indifferently and I could not help but notice how he quickly switched screens before I had time to see what he was working on.

I scratched my overgrown curls and glanced down at the properly folded pile of clothes next to me instead. My old clothes.

I pretended not to see them only to get a reason to keep his. They were a little too big, but so soft and I just wanted to keep them on for a little while longer.

"Okay, sure ... thank you" I mumbled and strolled away towards him with my hands pressed in my pockets. "So what are you doing?"

He shrugged and spun the chair and got up "I promised to fix you a Link, didn't I? So I tried to restore your old codes."

I nodded, it was logical, he had probably gathered a lot of information about me during the time we chatted. But something about his body language made me bite my lower lip and cast an eye at his workplace. It felt like he was hiding something, but I pushed away the uneasy feeling and reminded myself of everything he had done for me.

My eyes slid over the keys and screens, they reminded me a bit of home. My body ached to sit down and disappear into worlds that were so much easier than this one. The world of ones and zeros.

I felt a slight pain in the stomach area when I thought of my homey old caravan, would I see it again, I truly hoped I would?

I felt how Twelve studied me calmly as he stood leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed. "I just miss my computer" I answered his unspoken question and he nodded a little before pushing a plate in my direction.

I gratefully accepted the food and sank into a cross legged stance on the floor with the plate in my lap.

"There are chairs" he teased but I ignored him, I wanted answers to all my questions that spun in my head.

"Does it work the same way as my Arm Link?" I asked, tapping my temple, referring to the blue pulsating circles on the side of his face.

He nodded and sat down on a chair with his own plate in his hands. "But the images are sent directly to your brain? Or to the eye?"

Twelve took his time to chew and slowly licked his lips after he swallowed his bite "the signal goes to the eye" he replied and dipped a loaf of bread in the soup "I see similar pictures as you see on your arm, but they are only visible to me."

"Practical" I replied clearly impressed. "so, can I see what you see?" I continued curiously.

"If I choose to send the code to your link," he replied with a shrug.

"And you just need to give the command? No clicks or buttons?"

He smiled faintly and confirmed my thoughts "no clicks or buttons."

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