26- Lo

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I had been given fifteen meals, five breakfasts, five lunches and five dinners.

So I guessed I had been locked up for five days, but it was impossible to know.

When it was time to sleep, they turned off the lights, that was the only indication that the days were passing. Otherwise, everything was so abstract, it felt like a dream.

I barely remembered how the sun felt anymore, and I had gotten used to the cool air in the room.

My skin was so dark compared to my white surroundings and my head felt so bare without the hat.

I pushed the feeling of abandonment away over and over again as I sat on the hard floor.

I had been given a mattress, a pillow and a blanket. Men and women in white coats had visited me several times, they took blood samples and scratched with small sticks in my throat making me nauseous.

But I was relieved, so far it wasn't too bad. The cage had been worse.

The worst part was not getting answers to my questions and the longing for Hannes and Carl.

I wondered what they were doing, had they started looking for me? Would they find the bunker? In a way, I hoped so, then maybe they could find more, put them together into a big house that everyone could fit in and have a more bearable life. It was my dream, what I fantasized about all day and I wished with all my heart that it would be so, then everything would not have been in vain and then it would not be so awful to sit here and rot.

If only I could get some answers.

My daydreams were interrupted when a guard entered with a tray. I glanced at her but made no attempt to move.

"Good morning" said the white-haired woman as she put the tray down on the floor and tried to meet my eyes "you should have a shower today" she continued "I will pick you up after you've eaten."

Surprised, I looked up at her, it was the first time anyone had talked to me since I got there. It was a new guard and she looked friendly, "Where's Tristan?" I asked immediately without thinking of the consequences.

She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before she took a step forward and squatted down in front of me and seemed to consider whether she should answer my question or not.

"He's locked up just like you."

"But he's one of you ..." I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, but he is branded a traitor now" she replied and her face was filled with sadness.

"Because of me?" I whispered and felt tears burning behind my eyes.

Her forehead frowned and I felt her eyes slide searchingly over me to analyze the pathetic buy sitting in front of her. At least that's what I thought.

"Do you care about him?" she asked in a surprised undertone and I felt my cheeks heat up. She did not wait for my answer, instead she continued to answer my question.

"I don't know why he decided to protect you Lo" she sighed "I know Tristan, he never does anything half-hearted. So yes, because of you, but probably because it was the right thing to do."

"What do you mean?" I gasped.

"Feel no guilt for this" she said with a smile and got up to walk towards the door "everything will work out, you'll see."

I reached for the tray and dipped the soft bread bun in the cup of sweet, hot tea.

The food and the guard's smile made me hope again. Something was about to happen, and whatever it was, I would be prepared.

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