Episode 8: Dodging Danger

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*Warning, some spiciness ahead*
~In the Man Cave~

It was an exciting time in the Man Cave. Well, exciting for Jasper and (y/n). The young woman had been convinced by the teen to help him win a "Dodge-a-Leen" competition and as such, they had been training all week to prepare for it. Now, (y/n) wasn't particularly excited about being in what she saw as some friendly contest for kids, but one cutesy look from Jasper and a few words about how her superhero skills would be an asset to his team and she was roped in. And since she was so busy dodging with the boy, she had foregone some of the missions that Ray and Henry had to go sort out, making her boyfriend go all pouty.

"Missed us! Keep trying!" Jasper taunted Schwoz and Charlotte, who were trying to hit the two as they bounced on mini-trampolines. The city didn't always need Miss Danger, sometimes all they needed was Captain Man and Kid Danger.

"Whoa, careful, Curly!" (y/n) laughed as Jasper took a hit to the stomach. They couldn't have any larking about in the real tournament; she was in it to win it, baby.

"That was pretty close!" Jasper told Schwoz as the tubes came with Ray and Henry, both of whom were chuckling and bantering about how dumb criminals were. Well, Ray was laughing until Schwoz threw an orange dodgeball at Jasper, who ducked swiftly, resulting in the ball hurtling into the superhero's face. Ouch.

"OW! My face!" Ray exclaimed, clutching his nose for a couple seconds and his cry of pain made (y/n) dash over to see if he was all right. Of course he was, he was Captain Man, but having her fawn over him was was too nice to pass up.

"Aw, poor baby." She cooed and wrapped her arms around his waist so she could hug herself to his body. She missed him when he went out to fight, but if she was going to help Jasper, she had to stay and train.

"Who thew that ball?!" Henry asked his friends, ignoring how mushy the couple next to him were. They saw each other, like, an hour ago, it wasn't that bad.

"Yeah, who?! I mean, I'm okay. But who?!" Ray joined in, quickly confirming that he was fine so that the girl in his arms wouldn't think he was a pansy or something. He wanted her adoration more than anything because he loved when she looked at him with that sweet, soft smile on her face.

"Uhhhhh, Charlotte!" Schwoz lied, fearing his boss's reaction. Surely, he'd go easier on her and therefore, wouldn't kill him.

"What? I didn't throw that ball!" Charlotte scoffed, not believing that Schwoz dared to pin something like that on her. She didn't bludgeon her boss in the face, so she wasn't going to take the wrap for it.

"You did too! She did! Jasper, you saw that it was Charlotte who—-" Schwoz fibbed and his blatant lying really irritated Charlotte. Not wanting to hear him slander her good name any longer, she threw the blue dodgeball at his face, making the genius cry out in pain.

"That was me." She smirked, happy to admit to that one since it got Schowz to stop bullshitting. Yeah, it was a little violent, but it taught him a lesson.

"Ahhh! Look it! My nose is bleeding from both holes!" The little man whimpered to (y/n) and Ray as they walked over to him. Oh good, (y/n) would be able to help him out, but Ray wasn't about to let Schwoz off Scott free.

"Okay, lean forward and pinch your nose..." (y/n) told him, letting her first-aid knowledge kick in, but Ray had other ideas. They didn't need that medical crap, they just needed a little advice from him.

"Don't fret, Schwoz, Captain Man knows how to fix a nosebleed." Ray seized the small man by his shoulders and forced him to sit on the ledge next to the auto-snacker, making (y/n) look at him suspiciously. What was he up to?

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