Episode 19: Balloons of Doom

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~The Man Cave~

The Man Cave team were blissfully unaware of everything that was happening outside the four walls of their secret-base sanctuary. Unless they watched the news or got a call, they didn't hear about things until they inevitably got dragged into it, meaning that if Doctor Minyak and his assistant, Nurse Cohort wanted to invade a Man Fan meeting and hold Piper hostage so that she could be used as bargaining material with Captain Man, then it would take a while to reach them.

The girl was terrified, she'd been threatened with the possibility of flying off into the upper atmosphere by some of the Doctor's deadliest, super-helium balloons and was praying that Swellview's best crime fighters would come to help her, Jasper, plus two other innocent kids before it was too late. However, Ray was preoccupied, having been asked to submit a Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger photo for the new Swellview annual calendar, the first that his girl would feature in and he wanted it to be perfect. So, he had dragged his friends into it, meaning now, Charlotte was wearing a swimsuit, he, Henry and (y/n) were in their super suits and they were all posing in front of a Hawaiian background so Schwoz could snap some photos.

"Okay, a few more..." Schwoz mumbled as his camera flashed and Ray and Henry flexed their muscles. They were loving their time in front of the camera; they had a beach ball, a towel, the kid and (y/n) had flowers tucked behind their ears and even Charlotte got to hold a surfboard and pretend she was loving the sandy beach and lapping waves. The truth though, she wasn't and neither was (y/n). It was a bit weird to just do a photoshoot in the middle of the afternoon and the idea of being a pinup was a bit disconcerting, but if it made Ray happy then, why not?

"Hey, Henry, look! There's some hot, teenage girls on the beach. Wave at them!" The young woman teased, thinking that she might as well have fun whilst doing this and seeing the boy get flustered was all too funny. It had been way too long since Henry last had a girlfriend, in fact, she could swear that he hadn't seen anyone since she and Ray had started dating and that was like, what? Nine months ago?

"Hey, girls!" Ray waved at the imaginary girls, pretending that he was helping his sidekick appear cool since he was Captain Man, not to mention all the experience he had with the opposite sex. Even though he was seriously trying to put his flirting-with-anything-that-had-a-pulse days behind him, he could still help his very single sidekick find a date.

"Hey, girls." Henry smiled at the wall, not being nearly as enthusiastic as Ray because the notion of flirting with thin air made him feel stupid. With his track record, even imaginary girls wouldn't be interested, would leave him for a dumb TV show or would be a criminal in disguise.

"Come on, ladies like it when boys show interest." (y/n) chuckled, loving how an embarrassed flush was rising from his high collar and rapidly closing in on his cheeks. She was a girl, in a relationship, so surely, she could give him advice too and not just in a fake scenario. Anything she told him would be much better in practice than whatever Ray told him to do.

"Hey, girls!!!" Ray squawked, purposefully acting stupid since it made his sweet girl laugh when he posed with the towel draped over his shoulder and a frisbee held high in his hand. Yeah, that's definitely how he seduced her, smiling and waving like an idiot (to be fair, his goofy personality was one of the disarming factors of her descent into a total, unapologetic love for him).

"Okay, you're both embarrassing me in front of the girls that don't exist." Henry snapped, feeling like he was on vacation with his demented parents or something. Not the cool, 'let you stay up past your bedtime' parents, no, the embarrassing, 'let's all wear matching sweaters and take a group photo' parents. Why couldn't they stay cool? Why did they have to relish his embarrassment so much?

Captain Man x Reader | Henry Danger Reader Insert: SEASON 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora