Loud Mouth -12-

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Sania is bored, she looked to her right and then to her left, she sigh because there is nothing she can do. Then a thought passes her mind "Tsu! Pssst! Hey Tsu!" She whisper at her bestfriend "yeah? And you don't have to whisper" Tsuki turned her head to her bestfriend.

"So... how about we make them react to that one Au, the modern one, where Ace accidently slipped off about their past" she explain her idea with a grin. Tsuki thought about for awhile "oh! I want to see how will they react to that! Please!?" Sinn begged when he hear what were they talking about.

Tsuki just sigh "fine.... lets do it!" She pumped her fist into the air. Then she teleported an orb into her hand, the orb is small and only have a mouth with a zipper. She handed the orb to Sinn, so he can start the memory.

The screen shows a classroom.

And it takes all of the one piece character attention.

the insides there only a few kids and two of them are Ace and Sabo. They are joking around until one of the guys accidently joke about some of the girls who were on their month.

"Like seriously why are you girls are so moody? And it's just a cramp, it shouldn't hurt that bad" one guy 'joked'.

The girls are clearly mad. "Just so you know, cramp hurt like hell okay! And try having cramp while fighting" Nami yelled closing her eyes and crossing her arm. Tsuki just looked away feeling bad for the girls and because Sania is looking at her with envy 'hey! It's not my fault that i still haven't have cramps!' Tsuki thought angryly.

But the girls are not happy with what the guy said "well why don't you try to bleed for seven days straight huh!? Every month too!" One of the girl protessed slamming her hand to the table.

"Wait! You guys bleed every month for seven days!?" Luffy ask the two girls on his crew. Robin chuckeld at her captain "yes capatain-San, we 'bleed' for a few days and do not worry, we will not die from the bleeding" She said smilling at Luffy. "But still~" he whined.

"So women bleed for seven days?" Ace muttered "yes Ace yoi" Marco answer "wow... must be tough to be a girl" Ace said and Marco just chuckled.

Sabo just keep on watching the screen while thingking one thing 'my brothers are idiots'.

"woah! Why are you so moody?! He's just saying facts!" Another boy stood up for his friend.

"Facts my *ss" a girl muttered

"What the f*ck Vick!? Thats not nice! And women is much more sensitive than you boys are! You boys supposed to be a gentlemen to us girls!" Another girl yelled to this Zin guy. And so they are argueing back and fort, making a ruckuss in the classroom.

'I wish the boys are gentlemen, but it will feel weird being with alot of nice men' Sania thought

On the background you can see a very bored Ace who were looking through his phone and a very awkward Sabo who tried to calm his friends down, saying that they are making alot of ruckuss. Then Sabo became tired and go to mind his own stuff.

"Wow... there are people being loud and all... and you didn't even mind them" Thatch commented.

"Sabo... remember this okay? Mind your own business" Ace said and a pipe made contact with his head, he yelp in pain asking what was that for "for interfiering with my 'business'" Sabo answer iritating Ace.

Well, that is until one of the girl said something "well, why don't you try to get harrased and feel what we feel! Or got r*p*d because of your h*rny *ss!" This got Sabo and Ace attention.

"Did you guys ever got r*p*?" Luffy ask not really understanding what r*p* means. Before the girls answer Sabo beat them into it "you don't have to know about it" he quickly said.

And Ace says something without thinking twice "then how about getting r*p*d when you are still a ki-" he shut his mouth off immidiatley before he tell them much more of his childhood and sprinting out of the classroom.

Everything is silence until the whitebeards began shouting and asking question "Ace! You've got r*p*d when your a child!?" "Did that happend?!" "Are you okay!?" Question keep on coming and no one notice the uncomstrotable state Ace in.

"Okay, you can stop with the question for now" Tsuki said snapping her finger teleporting everyone into their previous sit. Marco watches Ace in corncern 'did he really got r*p* when he's a kid?' He can't help but ask. Ace notice Marco and he put his hand into Marcos hand "i'll explain later...." Ace said in a small voice, giving him a reasuring smile.

Marco sigh and then nod, he didn't want Ace to feel more uncomfortable. And Ace is happy because Marco didn't presured him

Now all eyes are on Sabo 'damnit Ace! That loud mouth!' He thought anggryly. He's looking around the room for an escape as his friends coming closer to him asking questions. Then he saw a window with a tree close to it, he runs towards the window and then jump to the tree. All of his friends shout his name as he climb down the tree fast, and then began searching for Ace.

"Wow! Sabo! You look cool when you jumped out of the window!" Luffy said happyly "well thank you Lu" Sabo said.

Somewhere inside the school we can see Luffy sitting on his chair, body slumped againts the desk. Suddenly he got a chilly sensation 'did Ace slipped again?' He thought and then he turned his head to the window and see Sabo jumping from his classroom window to a tree that is close to it.

'Oh.. he really did slipped' he thought 'good luck Ace' he chuckled.

"No way..." Sabo gasp lightly "Luffy keep secrets much more better than Ace in that Au!?" Sabo ask looking to the goddess for answer. Tsuki laugh at Sabo expression "seems like it!" She continues to laugh.

I think in the next chapter there will be some that is short. So i will try to make it faster if the story is short.

Remember it's gonna take months to update if i lost my motivation and a few weeks or one month if i have my motivation.

You can request if you want! And please tell me what the orb should look like so i can have some idea!.

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