Chapter 16

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Ezra's POV: 

I pull her down the hall trying to find Sage and Zero's class she seems to be the closest to those two. 

She's starting to have a panic attack. 

"It's ok Bean, just a few more minutes." 

I looked back and she has tears running down her cheeks. 


I gently pull her to the ground with me and just hold her. 

She clung to my shirt and just wept. 

I hope her sitting between my legs isn't triggering her. 

"I don't want it to happen again..I can't have it happen again.." 

Hearing her voice caught me off guard. 

Again? What does she mean again? 

"I won't let it. I've got you."

I didn't know what else to say. 

She clung to my shirt even harder. 

"I'm gonna call Sage and Zero ok?" 

She just nodded. 

I guess she's back to not talking. 

The first time I called Zero declined. 

I called again. 

"Dude what's up? I'm in class." 

"It's Bean. Come out into the hall. We couldn't make it to your class." 

"I'm coming." 

"And bring Sage." 

"Got it." 

Once they saw her and I they rushed over here. 

"What happened?" Sage asked. 

"River happened." 

"I'll take care of that. Are you guys good here?" Sage asked. 

"Yeah we're good here." 

He walked off. 

"Bean come here." Zero said. 

She let go of me and went into his arms. 

"Let's call Nick to come and get you." 

"I got it. You just calm her down." 

"Hey Nick it's Bean. River has taken a liking to her and now she's having a panic attack." 

"Fuck ok I'm on my way." 

I hope I didn't make things worse. 

Nick's POV: 

I can't believe River. 

Going after Kiddo? 

She looks 12 for fucks sake.

But I bet it's because of Xander. 

He told me what he did. 

And of course I didn't get him in trouble. 

He was protecting Kiddo. 

Which I didn't expect from him, but I think this is the start of the backlash River was talking about. 


I pull up to the school and get Kiddo. 

"Hey Kiddo. How are you feeling?" 

She was just shaking. 

The whole ride she was just shaking. 

"I heard you've got some people who want you to tutor them. That's awesome. You can have people over to study whenever you want ok?" 

"T..Tonight even?"

She speaks. 

That surprised me. 

"Sure if you're up for it." 

"Can we have mac'n cheese?" 

"Uh yeah sure. Anything else you want while I have you talking? Any new books or are you hungry?"

"My Mom wasn't bad." 

"Ok that's good to know. Where is she now?" 

"I-I don't want to talk anymore. It's against the rules." 

"Ok you don't have to talk if you don't want to, but it's not against the rules anymore ok?" 

She nodded, but throughout that whole conversation she was just staring forward. 

I'm so happy to have had a conversation with her that wasn't panicked. 

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