Chapter 33

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Jade's POV: 

The salon was just down the street, so we just walked after dropping the bags off at the car.

"Ace guess what." 


"I got button ups like you."

"Yeah, but Bean's are cooler than yours." I said.

"It's true." Bean said nodding. 

There were some snickers when she said that. 

"Oh yeah? You'll have to do a fashion show to show us everything when you get home." 

She nodded with a smile on her face. 

At the salon the boys opted out of getting theirs done. 

Xander said something about liking it when Bean did it. 

The others murmured in agreement. 

Bean picked a green color with white flowers. 

"Ok now you guys have to leave. We're going to Riss's. " 

"Can't I come?" Sage asked. 


"But surely I can?" Xander asked. 

"That's cute babe, but no." 


"Habit, whatever, let's go maisy mae." 


We drove to Riss's house, listening to music with all the windows down. 

When we pulled up Riss started going over the plan. 

"Ok first you'll pick what color you want your hair and while we're dying it, we're going to do so so much gossiping." 


Riss has the whole upper floor to herself. 

Her parents are just chill hippies, who know how important space and privacy are to a teen. 

Riss opened her hair dye closet and damn she'd be able to keep dying her hair until she was like 30. 

"Ok, so do you have a color in mind and then we can go through shades?" 

"I like pink." 

"Ok, like light pink, muted, or like hot pink, kinda neon?" 

"Do you have dark pink?" 

"I definitely do." 

"So any boys in your life?" I asked as Riss was brushing her hair. 

"Yeah, there's a lot. This time they're all nice. Even Ace now." 

"Ok let me rephrase. You got any crushes?" 

"I used to, when I was young, but then he was killed an-" 

"Hold up what?"

"But he's not dead anymore. He now goes to our school." 

"What is your life?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"Real." I said. 

"So are you two getting close again?" 

"No, if my Dad finds out he's alive he'll die again, then I'll die." 

"I thought your Dad was in jail?" 

She shrugged again. 

"What did you like about him?" Riss asked parting her hair into sections. 

"He was so nice, nicer than anyone, but also grumpy. He protected me. He even ran with me, but then he died." 

"But he's alive, so why don't you reach out to him again. I'm sure he'd love that." 

"But I don't want him to die again. And if Dad finds out I'll die too." 

"Do you remember his number?" 

She nodded. 

"Let's call him." 


She dialed a number and waited. 

"Hi Mrs. McKane. It's Maisy, is Elliot home?" 

"Maisy?" I heard a women say and then break down in tears. 

"It's me." 

"I'll go get him." 

"Maisy?" I heard a boys voice say. 

"Hi Elliot. How are you?" 

"I'm-I'm good. You remembered my Mom's number?" 


"H-How have you been?" 

"Since Nick and my brothers saved me, I've been good. I was scared of them for awhile, but they're nice. You aren't dead." 

"I'm not. Did you think I was?" 

"Yeah, my Dad said you were dead that day." 

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you." 

"We were 9. Adults should have noticed." 

"I miss you Maisy." 

"I miss you too. Wanna come over and hangout sometime?" 


"Ok. I'll call back tomorrow. I'm having a girls night with some new friends today." 

"Sounds great. Goodbye Maisy." 

"Goodbye Elliot." 

"I"m calling him back tomorrow."

"That's awesome." 

"OK we need don't need to bleach your hair for this cause it's already pretty light. So let's get this going." 

A/N- This is Maisy's hair. 


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