19| Here

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Chapter 19: Here (Amelia's POV)

I stirred, rolling over in my sleep but the movement had woken me up and suddenly all I went was a thousand drills in my head, a hundred hammers, pounding. I groaned quietly, squeezing my eyes closed tighter, willing myself to go back to sleep. My alarm hasn't gone off yet, which means I don't have to go to work yet, which means I don't have to wake up Michael either. It's the weekend anyway, Saturday morning. I'm in a hotel, I'm comfortable, I'm sleeping on a soft pillow and... 

No, pillows don't have abs. Pillows are fluffy. Pillows don't breathe

I blinked my eyes open slowly, still squinting under the sunlight that peeked through the curtains. I looked down at the covers that hid my legs. Two. Two pairs of legs, not one. I looked up, realizing my head wasn't on a pillow but on someone's chest. On Michael's chest. 

His stomach and chest rose and fell slightly, regularly with every breath he took in and let out. He had an arm going around my waist, resting on top of my shirt. His shirt that I was stupid enough to bring with me. His button was on but barely. The buttons had come undone, his sleeves were rolled down, they must have come undone in bed while he was sleeping but it was still somehow tucked into his pants. 

I blinked ten maybe twenty times before taking in a quick breath and coming to a realization. 

I have to move. Is this my room or his? Did he bring me here? Did I keep him here? What the hell did we do? What have I done? What have I said? Have I said anything at all? Fuck. 

I took a deep breath and lifted my arm, bringing it away from where it wrapped around his torso. I pulled it back and slowly rolled over, turning my back to him. Just in case he woke up, I wanted him to think I was still sleeping. I stayed still, getting my head together for a few moments. I was about to sit upright when he shuffled and threw an arm around me, pulling me in closer. I held my breath, waiting for his grip to ease up. 

It did, eventually, so I grabbed his hand, lifting his arm away and sitting up, scooting to the edge of the bed. I cursed under my breath, "Shit." I stood up and began tying up my hair. I threw it in a low ponytail but with the first step I took toward the bathroom, my foot padding on the carpeted floor, I felt a hand close around my wrist. I closed my eyes, feeling him pull me back. I fell back, sitting on the bed, and then his arm snaked around my waist from behind, pulling me in. 

He pushed me to lie down and then grabbed my hip, spinning me around. 

I lay on my back, letting out a short gasp when he sighed, climbing up and straddling me, his elbows on either side of my head and he hovered over me. I froze, staring back at him, unblinking. 

His eyes scanned my face, stopping at my lips. He leaned in and I sunk further into the bed, turning my head to the other side, turning my cheek to him. He stopped and I heard him chuckle softly, moving away from me. 

I faced him again, hesitating to talk. I didn't know what the hell to say. 

"How much do you remember?" He lifted a brow at me, bringing up a hand and tucking my loose hair behind my ear. 

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