30| Disturb

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Chapter 30: Disturb (Michael's POV)

I felt her eyes on me as I drove us back to her apartment. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. "What, Amelia?" 

"Nothing. You just look really... happy." 

"Do I? I wonder what gave it away." 

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe the wide grin on your face," she laughed, turning in her seat to look at me. "You're happy, right?" 

"Damn right I am," I chuckled, "that dinner went better than I could have imagined. Your parents heard me out, they gave me a chance to explain myself, and even Cameron caved in once I asked about the upcoming baby. I feel... I feel like I..." I paused, glancing at her. "I feel like I have my family back," I said softly. I parked the car once we arrived and we headed inside quickly getting into the elevator and then up to her apartment. 

She threw her arms around me the minute I closed the doors. She kicked her shoes off and then stood on mine, staring at me with a grin. "Michael, I love you so fucking much," she chuckled, her eyes traveling across my face. 

It's too tempting, it seems like a trick that fate is playing on me. How is it possible that after everything we went through, everything we did that hurt each other, and all the pain, how is she still here with me, still just as much in love with me as she's always been? She's still here, holding her heart out and giving it to me. She trusts me, she loves me. And she loves me for exactly who I am, despite the pain I've caused her. 

It might be fate's trick or it might just be fate. But whatever it is, I'm not letting it go; I'm not letting her go. I'm holding onto her now, keeping her forever. Up until recently, I never dreamed she'd still love me or love me again after knowing everything. I never thought that our confessions and admissions would only bring us closer together, I never dreamed that we'd only love each other more after the truth was out. It's like our feelings increased tenfold. 

I thought that once I'd lost her, I've just lost her. I was convinced that I'd spend the rest of my life alone, miserable, and so close but so far from her, from us, our connection. But she's here with me, in the flesh. And it still surprises me how my heart, mind, body, and soul react to her. I feel calm with her, undoubtedly. But seeing her is also... overwhelming. 

"I love you a lot, Amelia." 

She smiled and her hand on the nape of my neck pulled me lower until our lips met. We stumbled into her bedroom and then onto the bed. Nobody's clothes came off and nothing more than kisses were shared but that's the thing with Amelia. It's always enough. Just having her here is enough. The next morning, we stopped by my apartment and then headed to morning practice. 

The moment I parked the car and stole a kiss, we were back to pretending. This whole pretending thing really makes me hate my days. I like it much better after sunset when we can go home together, lay in bed together, kiss until our hearts' content. 

We had lunch with uncle Mason that day and Donna was there too. "Michael, if you're both so sure you want to pretend, you should be more careful." 

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