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"Zarad. Remember, Never trust anyone but yourself."

He would hear his mother say this to him from time to time.

Ever since Zarad could remember, he knew that his mother was hated by the king, the man who was his biological father. And in the same way, he knew, that his mother loathed the king to the point of being disgusted.
After his mother was demoted, the king visited them atleast once a week.

And with every visit came his beatings and abuse.

Sometimes it happened with him being there and sometimes it happened within closed doors where all he could do was stand outside the door, waiting for it to swing open.

Hatred was something he saw while growing up. Greed was something he was surrounded with while growing up.
A certain kind of greed came from his own mother.

"You must become the one to sit on the throne no matter what." She would say this to her, with tears in her eyes.
"I have sacrificed my humane self for this. So Zarad, please respect mommy's wish."

Even though he knew his mother was a bad person, even though he knew that the king's hatred was earned by his own mother, even though he knew that his mother had done terrible things to achieve what she was infatuated with, Zarad could never bring himself to hate her.

Every session when the king abused her, or when the abuse was directed at him, his mother always shielded him from that. The woman who gave birth to him, loved him dearly. There was greed in her eyes but there was also love in them, love, that Zarad received in the fullest form, unconditionally.

Zarad loved his mother in the same way she loved him.

But sometimes her greed for the throne was too much for the young Zarad to handle.

Although he took it as his duty to respect his mother's wishes, he also never forgot to give it a thought of his own.

Whenever his mind needed that peace there was a place where he would escape.

The forest.

This place was where he met his younger brother for the first time.

Zarad noticed his unique blue eyes and his green hair. Those eyes told him that they were related.

The first time he met Satatra, he ignored him.

The second time he went to the forest he was there again. He was so tiny and small. With a tooth missing in his mouth.

Following that, the little kid was there everytime Zarad was in his hidden spot. 
There were no exchange of words between them. The two sat down on the ground, with the older one watching the sky and the younger one watching him.

It was a harmonious moment for the two brothers. Perhaps one of the only few to exist between them including  the future.

"What does it says?" The little satatra had become so comfortable that he would bring his own study books when he was at the spot with Zarad. Then he used questions as a means of conversation.

"...." At first Zarad would ignore him but by time he began to answer him.

"It says that there is a myth about a godly organization existing in the sun empire."

This was how some of the little conversations they had between them started. It ended the same way as it began.

Before leaving Satatra would give Zarad a wave of goodbye. Then with his little legs he would run away at full speed.

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