Needed for Onces

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I woke up to shining sun. I put my hand on my head trying to remember what happend before. I sat up in a unknown room, two beds beside the I was on, a closet w/ nothing in it, and a lonely desk. I just realized the there are bandages on my head.

Someone through open the door. They had a mask similar to one of the ones I saw yesterday.

"Dallas wants to speak with you," He said.

He walk to the bed an grabbed my arm making me fall off the bed. I got off the floor and followed the person, well it was forst cause he hand a hard grip on my arm.

"There I got her, now I'm going to eat DO NOT bother me!" He said agresivly.

"All right brother. Back to you, I don't know you're name. Can you tell me what it is?" Dallas aked.

'I have to point to talk now what a drag' I thought to myself. I pointed to myself, then made a X with my hands, the finally pointed to my mouth.

"Chains can you tell me what she's saying!" Dallas yelled.

"What did she do!" Chains yelled across the room.

Then Dallas had to explain what I did, it was funny.

"Ok I think she is saying that she can't speak."


"Get Jacket he would know."

I put my hand over my mouth like I was laughing but there was little to be heird. I walked into the kitchen where Dallas'es brother was. I was dumbfounded to see that the person that literly pulled me out of bed looked so cute underneath that mask of his. He looked up at my me, I think he had a moment of panic but it lasted for 2 seconds.

"What?" He asked. I think I was laughing cause he kept asking "What".

"Houton," Dallas sighed

"What!? I did nothing rong!" Houton exclaimed.

'I think, I could stay here. Its something that i never had a family.' I thought.

"Houton, Bain said that you now her name," Dallas pointed at me.

"Oh ya her name is Y/n."

"Oh right Y/n the reason why you're here is we need you're help with a mission, an it will only take two days after that you can leave, but if you want you can stay here. So what do you say?" Houston put his hand out as a way to communicate with me.

'I want to stay but I can't I still have school but maybe I can still go and stay here.' I thought.

"Dallas, she maybe like Jacket mute," Houton suggested.

"Okay get her a pen an paper." Dallas demanded.

He handed me a notebook an a pen. So I said w/ words :What is the mission you want me for?:

"We need you're stealth to take down a gards to a volt," Dallas said.

I wrote :Okay I'm in just let anyone shoot me.

"Lats a deal," Houton laugh.

A nuther short chapter but the next to are going to be longer I promise. Any who I will add Jacket in the next chapter, the reason he wasn't in this one was he was on a different hiest.

She Might be Mute but We Still Love HerWhere stories live. Discover now