A Girl Worth Fighting For

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For a long time, we've been marching off to battle

In our thundering heard, we feel a lot like cattle

Like the pounding beat,
Our aching feet
Aren't easy to ignore

Hey! Think of instead,
A girl worth fighting for

He ran over to his friends, putting his arms around them.

"Huh?" Y/n asked, confused.

That's what I said
A girl worth fighting for

"Ling is a romantic," Yao said, smacking Ling on the side of the head. He jerked away from him and continued.

I want her paler than the moonlight
With eyes that shine like stars

My girl will marvel at my strength,
Adore my battle scars

Chien Po:
I could care less what she'll wear our what she looks like

"I agree," Y/n chimed in, but the man continued.

Chien Po:
It all depends on what are cooks like
Beef, pork, chicken, mmm...

Yao nudged Y/n on the shoulder, smirking.

Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer

And I'll bet the ladies love a man in armor

You can guess what we have missed the most
Since we went off to war

What do we want?

A girl worth fighting for

My girl will think I have no faults

Chien Po:
That I'm a major find

They all paused, looking at Y/n. She tried to rack her brain for something.

Uh, how 'bout a girl who's got a brain,
Who always speaks her mind?

"Nah," they all said. All but Mu who nodded at her, making her smile a little.

"Tell us, Fa Mu," Ling said. "What's your ideal woman?"

"My ideal woman is courageous," he said without hesitation.

"A courageous woman?" Ling scoffed.

He nodded and continued. "And she has a sense of humor. She's also smart."

"Smart? Well, what does she look like?"

"That's not the point."

"Courageous, funny, smart..." With a big, stupid grin, Yao pointed at himself. "Fa Mu's not describing a woman...he's describing me!"

"That's not you, Yao."

"Definitely not you."

"Not you," Mu agreed with a small giggle. Then, he turned to Y/n. "Can I ask? Are you matched?"

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