Chapter 1: Bears Are In The Wood

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Maybe it was adrenaline that made you see things. Or maybe it was the acid that was making everything change shape. Either way you could feel your surroundings change form and your eyesight go black.

Prior to this you were in the woods on Halloween, tripping on acid and enjoying the fun with some friends.

"I'm telling you our sub is 100% a milf" you snorted at what your best friend said and punched his arm, also changing your sitting position in the little camping area.

"You're a dumbass, she's literally 70"

"And? Milfs have no age limit" he flashed the light at you.

"Your basically just going to be fucking two pieces of expired ham" the rest of the group laughed along.

This was a normal thing for you to do. Go into the woods late at night where it's dark, and just fuck around. Halloween was especially an even better time to do dumb shit.

"Guys it's almost 12" your friend said.

"Okay and? You want a cookie" you smirked.

"Shut up (y/n), do you guys remember what happened last year?" You stared at him confused.

"I wasn't here what happened?"

"Last year on Halloween night some kids went out into these exact woods. Billy do you remember Tracy?" A guy in the group nodded "Tracy was on call with her mom, when suddenly the entire line got cut. She disappeared but was found weeks later along with the rest of the teens, hung up on trees, intestines out, one even had their neck cut so many times it was barely hanging on" you visibly gagged.


"Only one person survived but she was mauled by something so badly nobody could recognize her. Nobody knows how she survived that. She disappeared from her hospital room  not even days later and was finally found by the edge of the banks, right next to where we're at now" the girls in the group screamed.

"Bruh I'm never letting you pick a spot again"

"(Y/n), the weirdest part is the press said they were attacked by bears, bears don't eat people and take their organs" you put a hand on his shoulder.

"Chill dude you're scaring us, you're gonna make this trip bad" he groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Fine whatever, I gotta go anyways my mom told me to be home soon" before he got up you pushed him down so he would still be sitting.

You got up yourself and straddled his lap, giving him coy eyes.

"Nono don't tell me you're-"

"10 minutes pleaseeee" you begged. He sighed and gave in, squeezing your ass and pressing you closer.

You took this as a good sign and started kissing him, feeling as he got harder under you. His arms held you even tighter as you started grinding against him.

"Wanna go somewhere else?" He asked parting lips from you. You nodded and got off of him, seeing his pants tight. "You're so annoying" you giggled at that.

"Guys" a friend says midway though packing. "It's too quiet"

You listen closely and hear nothing, no sound of trees rustling or owls hooting. It was too quiet. You look to your friend and he has the same confused look ok his face.

"I'm sure it's nothing-" there's a loud crunch of footsteps close by that you all hear. All of your flashlights point at the sound but see nothing. "Actually never mind, i think we should go"

Suddenly everyone's flashlight shattered, leaving you with the only working one.

"(Y/n)!" You hear your fiend scream for you.

You could barely see as bodies hit the floor and just as fast get dragged into the dark woods. The sound of the crinkling leaves gone as they disappear.

"Hello?!" You scream. All you could hear was your own heart about to burst out of your chest. You shone the light around your area, the only thing to be seen are trees. "Where are you guys!"

You start to feel dizzy and everything feels like it's going in slow motion. Shapes change form and you pass out on the spot.

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